Why I’m Not Blogging The Democratic Primaries

For a start, there’s plenty going on the rest of the world. It’s not all about you, you know.

But my other main reason for my having barely blogged about the Democratic primaries is nicely encapsulated in this post, which comes from eRiposte via Lambert at Correntewire:


To me, the 2008 Democratic primary campaign is a watershed event in the history of the progressive blogosphere. It has revealed that some of the alleged “progressive” bloggers are fundamentally no different than the media and the deranged right-wing bloggers they have long claimed to detest. The Trina Bechtel incident is the “crowning” event on a sickening trend in this election campaign – where Gore was replaced by Clinton and the “media” was supplemented by an influential portion of the allegedly “progressive” blogosphere. I can easily see an entire book being written on the work of these jokers who have turned the credibility of the blogosphere to dust because of their Clinton-hatred. There used to be a time when bloggers like Glenn Greenwald and Atrios used to write again and again about how the right-wing blogosphere was almost always wrong, especially in their attacks on Democrats. Today, it is clear that such blog posts could equally well be written about a prominent section of the formerly “progressive” blogosphere.


I don’t even have a vote. There’s no way I’m dipping a toe into that pool of acid.

Accusation, counteraccusation, venom, and bile is the current flavour of much of the formerly diversely opinioned (but mostly united in wingnut-hatred) US progressive blogosphere; but it’s not not aimed at the opposition but turned almost entirely inwards, against each other. .

So many chances lately to really nail those evil fuckwit Republicans but they’ve fluffed them; meanwhile the Bush administration’s slowly unraveling by the day. The inner circle is reduced to Petraeus and Bush. Soon it’ll be just the Chimperor and his dog. Nemesis is on the way for the Republicans and they know it – most are engaged in frantic shredding and last-minute nest feathering and othewise couldn’t give a shit what happens next, just as long as it’s someone else’s problem.

They’re so sure the game is up that they’ve nominated John McCain, an unbalanced, nasty old man, as president – a man that even they loathe. So toxic is he, notwithstanding his warhero status that many republicans will vote for Clinton instead, should she win the nomination. But even wit an easy target like McCain all the blogospheric Obama and Clinton partisans can do is snipe at each other. The rest of the world can go hang, unless they’re photogenic Tibetans.

Of course it’s crucially important which candidate is chosen – but by the time they finally do choose (or have the choice made for them – so much for democracy) they may well have torn themselves apart or have handed the election to this man:

That would be a disaster for the whole bloody world, not just US Democrats.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.