Atrios makes a very interesting point re the news that the US Army microbiologist suspected by the FBI of the Anthrax attacks has (conveniently for all concerned) committed suicide – remember all those US media types buying ciprofloxacin boasting they’d had a warning from a senior government source?
Remember also the odd and mostly forgotten fact that Bush, Cheney and senior US administration figures were given ciprofloxacin as a phrophylactic against anthrax a full month before the anthrax attacks happened, yet U.S. Postal Service workers from DC’s Brentwood Postal Facility were denied antibiotic treatment even after it was clear that their workplace had been contaminated.
The White House has since refused to respond to requests for information or even lawsuits as to why they appear to have had foreknowledge that the attacks would happen. Atrios’ point about the warnings to Richard Cohen and others only buttresses suspicions that there’s a hell of a lot more to this than meets the eye.
But you know how it is, end of an administration, loose ends to be tidied away… Like I said, sometimes suicide can be very convenient.