Attention America (and Europe)

Sevenhundred billion dollar bank bailout got you down? Take a look at how Chinese peasants deal with their frustrations about dodgy loan schemes:

Yesterday, more than two hundred senior citizens gathered in front of the Jishou city government building to petition. During this period, an official vehicle with license plate 0004 (which belongs to Xu Keqin, the governor of the Tujia/Miao Autonomous Region) came through led by a police escort car. A senior woman and a middle-aged woman rushed forward to block the car. But the vehicle did not stop. The middle-aged woman fell to the ground, but the senior woman held on to the car door and was dragged for more than 200 meters. The vehicle stopped only because there was a truck blocking the intersection ahead. Angry citizens rushed forward to surround the car…

…The chauffeur and the governor Xu Keqin were both assaulted. Large numbers of public security officers and armed policemen rushed to the scene. Xu Keqin left the scene quickly under the protection of the armed police. The chauffeur was severely injured. The crowd went ahead to overturn the vehicle.

Looking for a worthy candidate for the same treatment? Try Kenichi Ohmae, who proposes that he and his friends be given not 700 billion, but five trillion dollars as a reward for their fuckups!

Not that we condone violence of course. That’s a right firmly reserved for the state and its owners.

palau adds:

Indians aren’t sitting back and taking it either.