A Palpable Hit

Anyone watching the debate last night could see – even Bob Shrum of all people – that Obama is the next president. Judge for yourself:

To mix images and genres – and why the hell not, I can be just as deconstructuralist as any other poseur – it’s like Will Smith in Independence Day taking on the Simpsons’ crusty, raddled old Mr Burns (or that creepy old nonce with the zimmer frame on Family Guy…). It’s no contest.

There’s only one person on that screen that comes across as Presidential, and it sure isn’t old Get Off My Lawn, who can’t even bring himself to look the better man in the eye. And what’s with the continual blinking? “Mr McCain, it’s time for your tablets, dear, I SAID IT’S TIME FOR YOUR TABLETS!”

The networks, even CNN and Fox, nearly all called it for Obama; even their paid shills, sunk in cynicism and whorishness as they are, can see the utter disaster McCain/Palin would be.

I cannot wait for the Biden/Palin VP debate. If Moosealini comes off as small minded, airheaded and petulant as she did in her Katie Couric interview on CBS, it’ll be a complete trainwreck and great tv.

Ya betcha.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.