Smarter than the average Trot

From Darren, who writes:

Do you know your Heaton Lee from your Ralph Lee? Ted Grant’s real name? The first bullshit myth Gerry Healy spun about himself? CLR James’s batting average for the Old Fractionians Second XI? The name of the De Leonist organisation in Scotland which turned towards Trotskyism in the thirties? Who debated for the Bolshevik Leninists’ against the SPGB’s Adolph Kohn at the AEU Hall in Doughty Street in London in 1936?

Well, the answers to all of the above questions will not be found in the following clip from Mastermind, but what does follow is Paul Moorhouse answering questions on his specialist subject,”British Trotskyism Until 1949′. (What’s the odds that all the questions were cribbed from Bornstein and Richardson’s two-volume history of British Trotskyism?)

Moorhouse also explained why he was a Trotskyite: