The Grauniad is excerpting former British Ambassador to the US Christopher Meyer’s biography this week.

Amidst the settling of personal scores with Blair et al (telling us nothing we didn’t already know, other than a few personal cabinet foibles) there’s this, which does tell us all we need to know about British complicity with the Bush crime family and the Saudi Bin Laden family. On 9/11, in Washington DC at the Embassy:

“John Major was due to head off to a meeting of the Carlyle Group, one of the most powerful private equity firms in the US, whose European arm he chaired.

Catherine urged him not to go downtown, but he did. He returned at lunch to say there had been a brief meeting of the Carlyle Group people, who had then gone their separate ways. “I met Mr Bin Laden this morning,” he reported. This was, it transpired, one of Osama’s many siblings, a major Carlyle investor.

Meyer doesn’t find anything usnusual, or any conflict of interest here – it’s merely a throwaway aside in his quest via the media to absolve himself for his role in in the perpetration of an immoral and illegal war.

And if he doesn’t see that it’s not right for a former Prime Minister, not to mention a serving PM, to be so enmeshed with these people, then he has taken diplomacy so far into corruption as to be beyond redemption.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.