He’s A Wanker: UPDATE

I love Pharyngula’s commenters. Here’s Samuel Crane, uncovering the wanker’s real motivation for his stupidity . Not just a wanker, then, but a venal, devious and unintelligent one –


Samuel Crane ? 11/08 at 02:14 AM
I managed to read all three paragraphs of the Mandlebrot post (see Dustin’ and the s in his for lawsuit!

“So I propose to use the vehicle of the libel lawsuit against Wally and his friend as a means of discovery and exposition of larger political and sociological themes….”

But wait! In a comment on his own blog, he writes,

“Come January, I will need to support a family with a real wage. If I do not get the jobs that I have applied for, the results may be catastrophic to our financial well-being.”

“Suing Wally is the best investment I can make at this point. It is that critical. My hand is forced and he has every reason to know it. Every day that goes by converts to potentially tens of thousands of dollars in lost wages and opportunities.”

Egads. So on one hand, he intends to spend his (apparently copious) time to expose large themes! Aren’t we all so lucky. And yet on the other hand he’s fretting over “tens of thousands” of dollars.

Maybe he wouldn’t have to worry about playing the family patriarch if, rather than using a court of law as an heuristic, he’d do us all a favor and disappear back into the lab and get some actual research done instead.

And apology: I wrote the last two posts without linking to the original blog on which all this asshattery occurred.

So go now, visit the blog of the wonderful, the erudite and the beautiful Bitch Phd.

Mea culpa. mea maxissima culpa.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.