The conspiracy to out Valerie Plame

Why isn’t the media treating it as such, rather than as individual cases, is the question Digby asks:

I’ve been hearing all the television gasbags try to explain what impact this “bombshell” is going to have on Fitzgerald’s case. Victoria Toensing is on CNN pushing the Libby line that Fitzgerald is inept because he didn’t know about this Woodward conversation. (She’s making very little sense because she doiesn’t know what to make of this revelation and can’t figure out quite how to play it.)
But one thing seems obvious to me that nobody is mentioning. We know Libby leaked about Plame to reporters. We know Rove leaked about Plame to reporters. We now know that some other administration figure leaked to Woodward and another one (perhaps the same one) leaked to Novak. What is it going to take for the media to start calling this what it was — a conspiracy?

I don’t know if Fitz can prove such a thing. But common sense says that if a bunch of different White House sources are talking to the most powerful journalists in Washington about the same subject, it isn’t just idle gossip. Woodward knew that. So did every other top reporter in town. They just preferred to pretend otherwise.