So Tell Us Who It was, Doughbrain
We know anecdotally that the Right is ramping up the paid trolls, but I simply do not see the point of posting this on The Washington Note without saying who the company he interviewed for is –
Hey guys,
I interviewed for a guerilla marketing business that targeted web forums.
I was told that if I accepted the job, I was to have at LEAST 50 identities on as many forums as I could muster (they wanted 100 eventually), with a goal of 5 posts an hour. The posts had to be well thought out, and the idea was that I was to establish multiple identities with a history on the forums, so that when the timing was right a well written but subtly placed marketing post could be finessed in. And regular visitors would recognize the post as coming from a long time poster.
But the most critical point was this: develop and integrate the identity. No random “HEY SONY IS AWESOME BUY THIS” stuff.
Kinda spooky.
P.S. Five posts AN HOUR? Sound like anyone you know…
Posted by: Phobos Deimos on January 29, 2006 at 5:22 PM PERMALINK