Your Tax Dollars At Work

Cartoon copyright The Illustrated Daily Scribble

I missed this little nugget from Scout Prime at First Draft yesterday – though I was out gallivanting.

Martin was celebrating National Take A Sickie Day, and consequently my pc access was limited, as I was reduced to dancing attendance with toast, tea and paracetamol. Remind me -who’s ill here?

I got bored of pandering to male hypochondria and wussiness and so I did what any stereotypical woman does and went shopping. Oh, how are the formerly frenetical political operatives fallen. I am become a mundane huisvrouw.


Most unlike the exciting Mr. Dick Cheney, whom I wish would take a permanent sickie. Will his rotten heart never give out? Is it made of some hitherto unknown super-metal produced by Halliburtons superduper, extra secret mega-defence labs? Whatever – Cheney is, as he always was, a total prick.

Want proof? Here it is:

Don’t say I never visited
Posted by scout_prime on Monday, February 06 @ 18:02:58 CST (95 reads)

Cheney is visiting Louisiana today!!!!

Is to visit people in tents and FEMA trailers….NO

Is it assure the residents of NOLA that the federal government will do everything they promised….NO

Is it to see all the debris that still remains….NO

Cheney is in Louisiana for this……

Vice President Dick Cheney is scheduled to attend a fundraiser this afternoon at England Airpark’s Bistro on the Bayou for U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman.

The fundraiser is private and will feature a VIP reception with photo opportunity at 4:30 p.m., followed by a “general reception” at 5 p.m.

The cost of attending the 4:30 p.m. event is $1,000 per couple, and the 5 p.m. affair will cost $500 per couple.


What a piece of work he is – and by the way, why is it cheaper to meet him after 5? Is it the Darth Cheney Happy Hour?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.