Well, Well, This Could Get Juicy

You know how, when an avalanche starts it’s usually from some tiny little slip?

It seems that Rove’s myrmidons were insufficiently vigilant in their information scrubbing. George W Bush has now been tied conclusively to admitted felon and corrupt former lobbyist Jack Abramoff by Kim Eisler, national editor of Washingtonian Magazine .

Think Progress has the smoking emails:

ThinkProgress has obtained emails written by Jack Abramoff in which the fallen lobbyist personally describes his relationship with President Bush. They depict a relationship far more extensive than has been previously reported.

The emails written by Abramoff were addressed to Kim Eisler, the national editor of Washingtonian magazine. The Washingtonian recently reported on the existence of several photographs showing Abramoff and Bush together. Eisler is also the author of Revenge of the Pequots, a book about tribal politics for which Abramoff was interviewed.

In the emails, Abramoff describes meeting Bush ?in almost a dozen settings,? and details how he was personally invited to President Bush?s private ranch in Crawford, Texas, for a gathering of Bush fundraisers in 2003. Abramoff did not attend, citing a religious observance.


Check back with ThinkProgress for more details about Abramoff?s relationship with Bush and other high-profile figures.

This could get very sticky for Bush indeed if this report fulfils its promise. I await developments with keen interest.

UPDATE: Or maybe not….

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.