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This little lot should keep you occupied whilst I sneak off and dissipate myself amongst the fleshpots of Amsterdam – said fleshpots being the hellhole that is the local Dirk Van Den Broek.

No bread, no trolleys, no bags, hundreds of corpulent old bats in headscarves alternately yapping, scowling and elbowing; spoilt firstborn sons, caterwauling without surcease ; sullen, sweaty-smelling staff; items that appear and disappear from week to week – it may be cheap but Tesco’s it ain’t. The redeeming factor is that it sells proper back bacon, though I’m doubtful about this now too, what with the reports of dioxin in Dutch pig feed…

Ah well, I’d best be off and get my game face on. Shopping here is war by other means and a a stern, purposeful demeanour is a useful addition to the armoury. Speaking of which, before I do go I’d better play UN mediator to the cats. Big old grumpy cat is menacing little girly cat over possession of the still-slightly-tepid hot water bottle. Hostilities are about to become open warfare.

Nigeria Bird Flu newsfeed

Reporters Sans Frontieres: more Chinese dissidents jailed on Yahoo-provided info , and Pregnant online journo jailed without charge

The US Army Recruiters Handbook (PDF file)

If Lotus Notes is so rubbish, why do so many people use it?

Uganda draining Lake Victoria despite ongoing enironmental catastrophe, say UN.

Triviality: Walking proof that world fame and megabucks can’t buy taste

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.