A Sunday Morning Breakfast Treat

Former Ambassador Joe Wilson speaks …… and it’s a doozy of a speech telling a lot of people on the right in no uncertain terms just what he thinks of them. Well worth reading just for the sheer pleasure of his words for Ann Coulter, but there’s much, much more to enjoy. A good bit of Yankee plainspeaking is a very refreshing change from all the usual hemmed in and qualified waffle we get from the US commentariat. Here’s a small taste:

So since they couldn’t discredit me as being a womanizer, a druggie, or partisan (since I had handwritten notes from George’s dad thanking me for my brave service in saving American lives in Baghdad), they decided to go after the last thing they had, my wife Valerie. Ann Coulter and others came up with the crap that Joe coudlnt’ get a job on his own, he needed his wife to find one for him because “he’s a wussy man”. Well, when I thought about it, I wasn’t really all that surprised hearing it from Ann. Afterall, she is a rather manly woman.

I hear Ann going around exalting Joseph McCarthy. I recently read a book by Owen Lattimore called Ordeal by Slander in which he details the way in which McCarthy smeared him and attempted to destroy his life and the battle for his freedom that ensued. I wish Ann would read that book and see who she is using as a hero. Joseph McCarthy was a Nazi sympathizer who tried to destroy the lives of innocent people through a political witchhunt. That is who these people like Ann Coulter support. Remember that. Ann Coulter and her ilk are not only someone you would not want at your dining room table, they’re people I wouldn’t even allow in my home.


I find that coffee, croissants and apricot jam go particularly well with juicy invective like this, though toast and marmite or a bacon sandwich would be equally delicious, or for you weirdo health freaks, muesli. Whatever. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, it’s finally spring – enjoy.

Read More: US Politics Joe Wilson Niger Plame Spying CIA

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.