Wednesday Foodblogging

Some food blogs I’ve come across recently you might also like:

Our Patisserie . “Normandy Apple Tart, White Chocolate Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake, Apricot Dessert Bars and Chocolatey Raspberry Crumb Bars“. Mmmmmmmm, cake.

The Foodie National, regional and local dishes from all over Britain. “Angus Beef Olives, Bacon Wrapped Sirloin, Beef Casserole, Beef in Beer, Beef Cobbler, Beef Wellington, Black Country , Beef Stew Boiled Beef & Carrots, Cornish Pasties, Cornish Under-Roast, Dorset Jugged Steak, Dublin Corned Beef ….” and that’s just the A to B in the meat section. There are hundreds more absolutely essential recipes here, and the pudding section is a return to nursery heaven. Invaluable.

Dough Boy – from Finland. – “For many people asparagus season is the culinary high point of spring, but I couldn?t care less. But come the new season potatoes, and you got my undivided attention!”

Fiordizucca: An Italian cook in Devon, my home county. Vegetarian/vegan, with beautiful photography. Also blogs in Italian. “Ginger tea: Springtime has arrived in many countries, except here, in Devon where it’s still cold and windy and too cloudy to be true. This is the perfect drink for those, who like me, are not only in the cold, but have a cold. Wheter the ginger, wheter the weather, the cold has gone after drinking it. Give it a try!”

Is My Blog Burning? Tomato is hosting the FIFA (Fuck I can?t Face Another) Beer World Cup and anybody is welcome to join in. You don?t have to be a food blogger. In fact, you don?t eve have to own a blog. All you have to do is email me your winning beers from each round of the game, and if you are a blogger include the link to your post.”

Eet smakelijk!

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.