Progress, Of A Sort
The BBC reports that parents of British soldiers killed in Iraq have won the right to have the decision to go to war judicially reviewed. Finally a crack in the facade?
It’s progress, at least – and not only there, but also in the Stephen Lawrence investigation, where there’s finally to be an investigation of the coverup of corruption between a senior officer closely involved in the original enquiry, and the gangster father of one of the accused.
I remember marching with thousands of others to shut down the BNP bookshop in Welling, close to where Stephen Lawrence was murdered, and to protest the subsequent police coverup.
Riot police, anti-fascist march, Welling 1993
If the savagery with which the riot squads penned the protestors in a cul-de-sac, then had baton-wielding mounted police ride them down is any guide, the Met’s desire to hide their own corrupt complicity ( not just in the racist Lawrence murder but in criminal gang and far-right activity in London and the South East generally) was pretty damned strong.
The corruption of the investigation has been an open secret ( see Private Eyes passim) ever since the murder – so why investigate now? Maybe certain as yet unknown sensitive individuals have retired, or died, or the political winds have shifted within the Met and the knives are out for someone.
Maybe some on- the-square officer offended the senior master at a Lodge dinner or cut him up on the fairway at the golf club – who knows? Whatever the reason and for what it’s worth , the police have opened an incident room.