At the Daily Kos they’re
talking war scenarios:

Then there’s the bloody part of the conflict — door-to-door urban warfare. Air power is next to
useless in these conditions, where $30 million helicopter gunships suddenly become vulnerable to
$200 RPGs (rocket propelled grenades). Remember that missile barage that was supposed to break
Iraqi morale? Well, it turned each city into rubble giving snipers myriad ambush points. The
Russians found this out the hard way in Grozny.

Not to mention the US in Somalia… For some situations there are no clever technofixes.

Steve Gillard makes a good point in the comments to Kos’ post:

The Vietnamese ended the reign of the Khmer Rouge and within six months there was resistance to
them. The PAVN saved maybe a million or two people by their intervention. Yet, the Cambodians
fought them.