“How Torture Works”

Lots of bloggers have been using that old Pastor Neimuller antinazi chestnut ( you know, the one that goes “First they came for the Jews… &c.”, you must’ve seen it on an Anti-Nazi League t-shirt) about the US’ suspension of habeus corpus and the legalisation of torture against, well, anyone they don’t like – but renowned chronicler of American fascism David Newiert has updated the sentiment for the YouTube generation. Some of the pictures are nauseating, but nevertheless I think everyone should see it.

I decided that the best way to explain this was in a movie. Hope you enjoy.

[WARNING: Contains disturbing images.]

Those things and much much worse are happening to someone (child, sick, elderly, mad, sane, woman, man, it doesn’t matter; all are grist to the torture mills)’ right now, as I type or as you read – all funded, ordered and approved by the US government, Democrats included.

No-one has clean hands, not the actual physical perpetrators, not the organisers above them, not the enablers in Congress and most emphatically not the sociopaths in the White House – and not (worst of all, because they think they are so innocent) the people that put and keep those others there, the electorate.

If one more minute of this barbarity continues while they know and have the power to stop it, they are all complicit in crimes against humanity.

And no, that doesn’t make me pro-terrorist, or an Al Qaeda sleeper or whatever – I’m just an average person who knows that inflicting pain on anyone just because you can is plain fucking wrong.

Read more: USA, US Constitution. Fascism, Torture, Video

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.