Cash For Honours: Injunction Lifted

The BBC now has permission to reveal the fuill content of their injuncted report after a lunchtime hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice lifted the injunction on the grounds that one outlet should not be injuncted to the exclusion of others.

The Guardian already printed a rival story this morning which the courts declined to injunct last night as the presses were already rolling.

It seems Lord Levy may have asked Ruth Turner to change her evidence. Oops. Methinks the whoever leaked to the Guardian may have been attempting to preempt todays lifting of the BBC injunction and get a different story a more positive spin out first.

More soon.


Lending a bit of credence to my above theory Guido Fawkes posts this:

Sleazy Levy Complains of “Trial by Media”

Levy’s lawyers have just released a statement complaining, wait for it, of “trial by media”.

Well perhaps he should stop ringing up political editors and briefing them in that case? All those unnamed “friends” quoted in the press are him, briefing…

UPDATE : 13:30 The Metropolitan Police have released a statement effectively accusing the Guardian of underming their case.


Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.