I’m very, very pleased to see that a group of the late Steve Gilliard‘s News Blog’s most perceptive and readable commenters, Lower Manhattanite (whom people have been nagging for a long time to blog himself ), Hubris Sonic, Sara (Orcinus) Robinson and Jesse Wendel, have started their own blog, The Group News Blog, motto:
Blogging because if we didn’t, Steve» would totally kick our asses. RIP, Brother. And eff the effing Yankees.
However, speaking as another, but non-USAnian, regular commenter at the News Blog (and I’ve featured, their comments Comment of the Day during the last few years too) – dammit, I hate to be a whiner but you know, a blogroll link would’ve been nice, guys. International solidarity and all that.
Whatever, they’re going on the blogroll, but I’m sad to see them being so insular; America is not all there is, though you’d think so from the way many US bloggers are turning in on themselves.