What do Canada’s best military brains do all day? Google for USB nuclear triggers, obviously.
Idling through the stat counter the other day, as one does, I noticed we’d had a hit from the Canadian Defence Research Establishment via Google:
Being a nosy person, I looked to see what the search term was : ‘usb, videolink’. You’d think that defence boffins would know all about those, wouldn’t you, but apparently they google like the rest of us and this is what they found…..
Nuclear War launcher (and USB hub) heads West
By Tony Smith
28th July 2006 14:57 GMT
Fortunately, the silly gagdet, which comes complete with flashing lights, sound effects and authentic (apparently) power switches and arming key, can be shipped to Europe, according to GeekStuff4U’s website, for a modest ?23/$25.40 (?16) charge. You’ll find full details at the company’s website.
Still it’s nice to know Canada’s defence is in such safe hands.