From Nathan Newman:

The US is a rogue nation; conservatives may justify it as being a good international lawbreaker and benevolent global dictator, but it is emerging as a global dictator nonetheless. There is no other word than empire to describe the US acting unilaterally and then ignoring the weapons inspections rules it based its own justification for invasion upon.

The embarassment of the US is that they have found no weapons of mass destruction, obliterating any “self-defense” justification upon which unilateral invasion shakily was based. To bar inspections is a recipe for global suspicion of what the US is hiding.

Terrorism is justified on the idea that those with less power must violate norms of just war as the only weapon at their disposal. When the country with the most power in the world says that it is not constrained by such norms or international rules, the last thread of social restraint and global opposition to terrorists is being removed.

Bush endangers our lives every day with these actions. Not that he cares, as his disregard for those suffering the after-effects of 911 shows, but I feel like printing a map to Lubbock Texas for terrorists worldwide as a self-defense mechanism against the danger Bush places cities like New York in with his reckless actions.