Brief Glimpses

The office cats of Texas:

Lucky is a natural customer greeter and gives tours of the shop, she said. A lot of times customers will pick him up and carry him around.

“We do have customers who come here just to see him, not to shop,” she said, explaining that he recognizes certain customers when their cars drive up and he greets them at the door highly excited.

“There are other people who tell us they come by at night to play with him through the window.

Torture news: The guilt goes right to the Oval Office and permeates all levels of US government. They’ve all got blood on their hands. But the actual evidence that might bring the President and his perverted cronies to justice for this:

The records on al-Qahtani, who was interrogated for 48 days – “were backed up … after I left, there was a snafu and all was lost”, Dunlavey told Philippe Sands QC, who reports the conversation in his book Torture Team, previewed last week by the Guardian. Snafu stands for Situation Normal: All Fucked Up.

Saudi-born al-Qahtani was sexually taunted, forced to perform dog tricks and given enemas at Guantánamo.

and for other crimes, like the abduction and torture of children as young as 7, has been disappeared. Isn’t that handy? Shorter Bushco – “No Nurembergs for us…”

Libel and defamation law for bloggers.

A Kentucky 13 year-old is arrested for ‘felony wanton endangerment’ – for dropping peanut crumbs onto an allergic child’s cookie.

Would you like to voice broadcast online but don’t know how? Here’s how: allows radioactivists, audio artists and basically everyone interested to upload their shows, newsflashes and jingles to share with the world. All content is under a creative commons license and times without content are filled up with creative commons/copyleft music, so that we provide a 24-hour stream.

Fun with wikis – a Pennine village is devastated by a tapeworm.

Lights in the sky, weird booming noises: whatever’s going on in Indiana?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.