Kevin Drum makes an excellent point about the way Bush and co manage the war on terror:

This is actually pretty common for practically everything associated with the war on terror. Gitmo? It’s not U.S., it’s not foreign, it’s not really anything. So the courts can’t touch it. The Iraq “war”? Not really a war. And we didn’t declare victory, either. That would have touched off Geneva Convention issues regarding prisoners of war major combat operations.

Everyone agrees that the conduct of war is primarily the responsibility of the executive, but shouldn’t Congress at least know what the rules are and how the game is being played? The Abu Ghraib scandal might be a good excuse for Congress to start insisting on a little more accountability and a little more transparency in how this war is being fought ? like insisting that the CPA be subject to normal audit and disclosure rules, for example. That $25 billion spending bill that’s headed their way might be a good place to start.