It’s not the diseases, it’s the sex that’s the problem
Amanda at Pandagon on the rightwing relinuts’ response to the anti-cervical cancer vaccination becoming available:
Your average young woman, according to the Family Research Council: “You mean I can’t get an HPV infection anymore? Woo-hoo! Time to fuck the entire football team and seduce all the married men! My cunt and I will tear this town apart, all because I have a reduced chance of cervical cancer!”
Of course, even women who follow the religious right’s dictates carefully are still exposed to HPV. You can get it from rape, of course, and you can get it from an unfaithful husband or one who had premarital sex, taking advantage of his male privilege to do so without getting chastised as a slut. (I know some women who waited until marriage, but I have never known a man to do so. I don’t know the stats on it, but I’ll bet my experience isn’t ununusual.) You’d think that women who behave as they are told deserve the vaccine all the more as reward for following right wing orders. Abstinence until marriage is not better protection from an STD than a vaccination could be, but Maher’s use of the slogan “abstinence until marriage” is just more evidence that these are empty code words for deep, though barely concealed, right wing misogyny.