How to be a morally superior Republican

Lance Mannion has the details:

You can also elevate neutrally self-interested acts and beliefs to the level of virtues. Wanting your kids to go to a good college, belonging to certain clubs and organizations, living in the suburbs, driving a big gas guzzling car for reasons of “safety,” happening to have a job at a company with a well-funded 401k plan so you can congratulate yourself on your thrift, prudence, and foresight—nevermind the massive credit card debt and the huge mortgage payments on the McMansion; both are signs of how determined you are to see that your family is well-taken care of.

Voting Republican because Republicans are against Big Government programs that just encourage dependency in the Poor, that’s another good one. The lower taxes that result for you are just gravy.

You call all this—which from an objective point of view looks like you’re just leading a safe, comfortable, upper-middle class life in a bedroom community free of any immediately pressing financial need to misbehave and with your wife, kids, and neighbors constantly there to look over your shoulder so you can’t get a chance to talk alone with the pretty young divorcee up the block and your boss hovering every time that flirty saleswoman from Snapit-fast drops by the office—you call all this leading a moral life.