Limbaugh: “We gotta get rid of Rove…..Bush is a wandering, aimless, brain-dead human being who has no clue what he’s doing.”

From todays broadcast transcript.:

We gotta get rid of Rove. But, see, the left doesn’t want to get rid of Rove to make things better. The left doesn’t want to get rid of Rove to improve the administration. I don’t hear any Republicans talking about getting rid of Rove. I’m now hearing some Republicans saying this Card guy is a problem. But I think this is all just talk, and it’s all founded in the notion that Bush is a wandering, aimless, brain-dead human being who has no clue what he’s doing. I know that that’s not the case. I know as well as I can know it, anyway, not being in those buildings, that that’s not the case. But if Karl Rove is summarily dispatched, if Karl Rove quits, and whether there’s an indictment or not, if he resigns, all you’re going to see is a call for Scooter Libby to go, and then it will be time for Dick Cheney to go, and then it will be time for Rumsfeld to go. If you think Karl Rove resigning, retiring, offering himself as a sacrificial lamb is going to silence critics and is going to straighten out the administration and make for smooth sailing, you are sadly mistaken. The way to fight this is to not give the left one shred of what they want. When are we going to learn this? Screw them!

Have I taken his words out of context? Yes. Does he really think Bush is brain-dead? He says not, but that description came to him pretty easily…

But to paraphrase Rushbo himself, the way to fight this is to not give the Right one shred of what they want.

When are we going to learn this?

Screw them!

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.