
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.

Huffington Post Scooped: JimmyJeff’s ‘Tutor’ Identified

Woah. Philadelphia Blog Attytood obviously has more stomach for the smug and self-obsessed than I have and has actually been reading Arianna Huffington’s group blog. In doing so he’s come across this nugget of pure political gold:

“…the overhyped site has been up and running for less than 24 hours, and already one of its many “group bloggers” has accidentially dropped a scoop right in Attytood’s lap.

The highly rated news anchor for the ABC affiliate in Pittsburgh (in a key battleground state, you’ll recall) admits in his very first post that — in so many words — he’s a conservative mole in the mainstream media, that he’s actively helping a Karl Rove acolyte to train new right-wing journalists, and that one of his “star pupils” is none other than the notorious “Jeff Gannon,” the gay-hooker-turned-bogus-pro-GOP journalist.

The TV newsman is named Scott Baker, and for nearly a decade he’s been the anchorman on the 5 p.m. and noon newscasts on WTAE (Channel 4) in Pittsburgh, a Hearst-Argyle station that carries ABC programming.

But Baker has another job — one that he doesn’t list on his resume, although he does (sort of) ‘fess up in his Huffington Post post. It turns out he teaches journalism to young conservatives at the Leadership Institute School of Broadcast Journalism, founded by Karl Rove associate and former national Young Republican director Morton Blackwell. And anchorman Baker is not just their star instructor — he’s also a graduate.”

A neat little illustration of the porousness between US journalism, paid lobbying and politics – not that the UK is much better; after all we are the country in which a Prime Minister elected on barely a third of the potential vote can appoint an unelected crony to the cabinet. But I digress. This is a very juicy nugget of information, if true.

Full story…

Meanwhile, in UK politics…


Meaders at Dead Men Left nails New Labour’s complicity in smearing Respect and George Galloway –

[…] To recap, Benjamin Virgo, a 34-year old student living in Bethnal Green, was quoted by Euan Ferguson in last Sunday’s Observer smearing Galloway and using a frankly racist elision to do so. Ben Virgo, a 34-year old student living in Bethnal Green, was at the centre of the “rent-a-crowd” allegations against Oona King, in which the Virgo family were repeatedly used in New Labour photoshoots. King, it would seem, helped the family Virgo acquire a larger council flat, so they were returning a favour.

Andrew’s found another appearance by Ben Virgo, this concerned King supporter, at a University College Conservative Party function:

“I met him last autumn at an event organised by UCL Conservative Society,” writes Mr J Robertson. “I thought I’d found in him a solid Conservative supporter. His biggest political concern appeared to be his children’s education in a school where many of the classmates do not speak English, and that he would ideally like to move from Bethnal Green.”

There is a connection between Virgo’s alleged assualt on Tuesday, his children’s classmates allegedly not speaking English, and Galloway’s election victory. It is the same one the BNP made when they ran their campaign against immigrants allegedly receiving preferential treatment for housing in Barking. Perhaps Virgo could move there, if Bethnal Green is not to his liking.”

More election sleaze here…


Watch Your Back, They’re After Your Womb.


Shameless Agitator draws attention to a bill being proposed to the Ohio legislature which will outlaw abortion in the state. It is but one step in an ongoing war of attrition that is the attempt to overturn Roe v Wade and criminalise women who choose to abort, and anyone who helps them in any way.

“From the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Lawmaker ‘positioning’ Ohio to fight Roe v. Wade:

A legislator who introduced a bill to ban all abortions in Ohio knows it would be deemed unconstitutional today but hopes it eventually will become the case used to overturn Roe v. Wade. “We’re just positioning the state for the future,” said sponsor Rep. Tom Brinkman, a Cincinnati Republican and candidate for Congress.

Those who perform abortions would be guilty of a felony and face a possible 15-year prison term under House Bill 228. It contains no exceptions for the life or health of the mother and would make it illegal to transport a woman to another state where abortions are legal. U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist’s battle with thyroid cancer injected a new sense of urgency into the abortion debate and has both sides of the contentious issue working to position themselves for a post-Rehnquist court. His departure could overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that legalized most abortions, and allow individual states to decide what laws should govern the procedures.


This is the way they do it. While we are diverted elsewhere by media freakshows – like housewife-superstar manque Laura Bush, parroting lame, scripted jokes that are eagerly lapped up by a press corps that fawningly allows Bush’s Republicans to lick their heads like so many celebrity child-abuse victims – the little Eichmanns swarm hungrily at the base of the structures that protect other women’s freedoms like so many maniacal religion-crazed termites. It’s enough to make one burst out in a torrent of overblown metaphors.

“We’re just positioning the state for the future,” says Brinkman. To which he should have added “…which belongs to us”. Shudder.


Inherit The Wind Redux

Meanwhile, out there in the wilds of the actual Kansas- the evolution ‘trial’ rolls on. Where, oh where, is Mencken when you need him? (Dead actually, but that was a rhetorical device, duh)

In the absence of the great one we must rely on the bloggers, notably PZ Myers at Pharyngula and the group at Panda’s Thumb to keep fighting the good fight against the rising tide of ignorance and theocracy.

This is the kind of crap they are up against ( from MSNBC):

“Scientists who support the idea of intelligent design, a set of assumptions that challenges established scientific thinking, told an approving Kansas State Board of Education subcommittee that modern Darwinian theory relies too much on unproven reasoning. Gaps in the science, they argued, leave open the possibility that a creator, or an unidentified “designing mind,” is responsible for earthly development.

It would not be far-fetched, said William S. Harris, a Kansas City researcher who favors intelligent design, to conclude that DNA itself is the work of an intelligent being. Students, he said, should be told that.

As Charlie Wagner commented at Pharyngula:

“The notion of intelligent design has been hijacked by those with a religious agenda to promote. Almost all proponents of ID do in fact have a religious agenda and they must be stopped from disseminating their ideology in public schools. The trick is to separate legitimate scientific investigation of intelligent design from religious creationism. As it stands now, most scientists are afraid to even talk about the subject for fear of being misquoted or having their own words used as religious propaganda. This has had a chilling effect on legitimate science that may take decades to repair. Ideology has no place in any public school science classroom and it must be stopped wherever it occurs. But one must also recognize that there have also been zealots on the evolutionist side who want to teach mechanisms of evolution that have no empirical support. The answer is simple and clear. Religious creationism must be eliminated from school curriculums and darwinian evolution must be taught not as fact, but in it’s historical context. There is enough factual science, from anatomy to zoology to fill any school’s scientific curriculum with non-controversial, factual science. Any teaching of darwinian evolution or creationism or “the controversy” is nothing more than a waste of time that could be better spent on real science.”

Or, to put it more scatologically, there is this from the Rude Pundit:

The point here is that, for the love of fuck, why are we going through this again? What combination of desperate economic times and religion-induced dementia is making us fight this battle over and over? In Kansas, starting yesterday and continuing today, is a debate over whether or not to require the teaching of “intelligent design” alongside evolution. “Intelligent design” is such a cutely ironic name, in the “Clear Skies Initiative” school of obfuscative rhetoric, because you have to be a complete fucking moron to believe in it. It’s Christianity without mentioning Christ, because, if, say, the universe was really just shat out of the anus of a dark Baal-like deity, it’d totally fuck-up the whole “intelligent design” thing (but, goddamn, what a laugh we could all have, no?). And speaking of obfuscation, the members of the Kansas Board of Education who called the hearing didn’t even have the balls to say that the true purpose was to put some kind of god back into the science classrooms. They claim they simply want to ensure that “criticism” of evolution is mentioned. Huh. Wonder what you’d use to criticize it, other than fake science, flawed axioms of desperation, and the Bible.

It’s very easy for those of us who are supposedly enlightened Yurpeens to make fun of the whole US creationist lobby, and dismiss it as just those crazy rednecks whooping it up again. I respectfully submit that it’s a lot more serious than that, and is in fact a war for the future of America, a war against reason, tolerance and simple obervable fact, in favour of myth, superstition and ignorance. The problem is that America seems intent in imposing this blinkered and bigoted outlook on the rest of the world, pushing us back into an age of ignorance, intolerance and religiously-motivated hate. Which makes me even more proud of Lula and and his government in Brazil, as reported at Kos.

“Yesterday a fairly remarkable thing happened in the world regarding HIV prevention.

A country actually refused HIV related aid from the US.

This might sound like a terrible thing at first, so let me tell you (on the flip) why this is actually a wonderful thing.[…]

So why did Brazil refuse the aid? Before I read the story I just assumed it was going to be because of condom distribution, or possibly the patent law violations. But no it wasn’t because of either of these. Let me cut to a press release I got from the CFAR (Center For AIDS Research) mailing list.

The Bush Administration’s grant would have imposed scientifically unverifiable,ideological clauses, such as one that asks the country to officially condemn prostitution. Signing such a clause would have impeded AIDS interventions within Brazil, which orchestrates open relationships with prostitutes, homosexual men, intravenous-drug users and other high-risk groups in order to fight the pandemic.

“It is a simple fact that in order fight AIDS, it’s crucial to work with the populations that face the greatest risk. It would be a gross human rights violation to deny them life-saving assistance based on moral grounds.” said Atila Roque, Executive Director of ActionAid USA, and himself a Brazilian.

So the Bush administration wanted Brazil to declare prostitution illegal in order to get the AIDS funding? OH REALLY?!

This from an administration that had a gay prostitute in the White House (and who still hasn’t been investigated for the prostitution allegations)?

This from a country which has no federal law outlawing prostitution?

The hell you say?

So what do the two sides of the political spectrum think about the Bush administration’s HIV funding policies? (again from Yahoo)

In the United States, Rep. Henry Waxman (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., has condemned the Bush government requirement that any AIDS organization receiving U.S. federal funds sign up to a written pledge opposing commercial sex work, even if the work it does in developing countries has nothing to do with prostitution.

Waxman said such a declaration was against the constitutional right to free speech. But Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., urged a tightening of U.S. policy. He said that one-third of the U.S. Presidential Executive Provision for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) was supposed to go to abstinence programs, yet the money mainly went not to faith-based groups but to “organizations long-associated with the social marketing of condoms. This must not continue.”

First of all, it’s not a fucking free speech issue, it’s a matter of life and fucking death for the people infected as a direct result of these restrictions. Second of all, Henry Hyde can go fuck himself. I’ll let his ignorance stand for itself.

Again, sorry for the long diary. I’ll leave you with the money quote (from Yahoo):

“We can’t control HIV with principles that are … theological, fundamentalist and Shiite,” said Pedro Chequer, director of Brazil’s AIDS program.


Er, not sure I’d’ve said ‘amen’, given the context, but still, I admire the sentiment. Go Lula.