“Fuck Off Condi” says Blackburn

This whole Jack Straw/Condi Rice thing has me flummoxed. Is there some weird, perverted, chickenhawk romance going on? ( Personally I’ve always assumed she’s gay, but hey, who can tell? At the very least she appears sexually ambivalent.)

‘Yes, but how big’s his dunda, Condi?”

Jack has new contact lenses, Condi has a new hairdo, it’s all very luvvy and warm, and now Jack has invited new flame Condi home to meet the folks.

As she, with Straw, swans around a tiny Northern town in a bullet-proofed limousine with outriders, like some imperial potentate, those same folks have told her what they think of her, in no uncertain terms. And what they’re saying is fuck off, we don’t want you here.

First the mosque:

Muslim leaders yesterday withdrew an invitation to the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, to visit a mosque in the Blackburn constituency of the home secretary, Jack Straw.

Ms Rice was due to go to the Masjid al- Hidayah mosque tomorrow during her two-day tour of Blackburn and Liverpool as a guest of Mr Straw.

“The invitation to Ms Rice to visit the mosque came, as I understand it, from officials in Jack Straw’s office,” said Hamid Qureshi, chairman of the Blackburn-based Lancashire Council of Mosques. “They might not have consulted with the congregation and members were very angry and decided she should not come.”

Then the schools:

Demonstrators shouted “Condoleezza Rice go home” as she entered the school through a side entrance with the Foreign Secretary

Outside the school, mother of five Rabiya Adam, 33, said the US Secretary of State was not welcome in her home town.

“When I found out she was coming here to speak to our children, I didn’t want her to preach what she did in Iraq.”

She is going to see plenty of Blackburn, and will be able to meet many members of the Asian community in town

Arif Waghat, 47, a retail manager, said his 15-year-old daughter and son, 14, were at the maths and computing college today.

He said: “I’m not going to let a couple of warmongers deprive my children of their education. My opposition is to the war. I’m basically a pacifist.”

Inside the school Ms Rice met pupils including 16-year-old Jabbar Khan. He said she had told him she was not enjoying the cold and cloudy English weather.

As Ms Rice left the school police prevented protesters following her.

Hanif Dudhuala, a member of the community forum at Pleckgate, said: “We have been told that Ms Rice has said that she would like to talk to protesters.

If that’s true, I would ask Ms Rice to turn her words into actions so we can raise our concerns with her.”

Like that’s ever going to happen. Both Rice and Straw live in their own little chickenhawk security bubble.

Jack and Condi sittin’ in a tree, w-a-r-m-o-n-g-e-r-i-n-g…. Oh lord, can you imagine what the kids would look like? Northerner’s have an expression that would describe any putative Rice-Straw offspring perfectly – ‘fey as a box of frogs’. Urgh, I’m going to stop thinking about it. I feel dirty.

More likely is that they’re cooking up some sort of united front, Rice for the ’08 election, and Straw for the Labour party leadership. It’s a match made in hell.

Read more: Condi Rice Jack straw Iraq War Blackburn

UPDATE: Much more info on the royal progress available at Condiwatch UK


‘Creation Care’ is the buzzphrase that is causing schism amongst evangelicals – which has to be a good thing, in my opinion.

It seems a number of evangelical Christians who haven’t swallowed all the koolaid and have yet to lose their ability to percieve what’s actually happening around them, have decided to ignore the Bush party line and acknowledge global warming. Even more surprisingly, they plan to try to combat it:

“Creation is being depleted by billions of small, unthinking actions,” said Larry Schweiger, former Vice-President of National Wildlife Federation (NWF is a secular environmental organization, Schweiger is a Christian). “With faith underpinning our conduct, we Christians must first confront our own worldly attitudes, destructive behaviors and over-consumption habits. Such life changes must be rooted in deep spiritual convictions. They spring not just from intellectual understandings of creation, but from a deeper love for our neighbors-present and future.”

Schweiger is not the only one to express these feelings. Across the nation, Christian creation care ministries, retreats, and camps are arising, growing and expanding, from Earth Ministry in Washington state to Evangelical Environmental Network in Pennsylvania. Many Christian college biology and environmental science departments actively engage their students in creation care projects as an integral part of their education. Together, these ministries inspire people to take an active role in protecting and respecting creation. And because students often carry such a deep passion for life and their convictions, they form the heart and soul of many of the projects and organizations.

The more politically connected fundies have set their faces against ‘creation care’ and refuse to even acknowledge there is an issue.


Last month, the NAE came under pressure not to take a position on global warming from its most conservative members, including James Dobson and Oral Roberts University president Richard Roberts. The Interfaith Stewardship Alliance sent a letter signed by Dobson, Roberts and 20 others leaders declaring that “We are evangelicals, and we care about God’s creation. However, we believe there should be room for Bible-believing evangelicals to disagree about the cause, severity and solutions to the global warming issue.”

Calvin Beisner, an associate professor of historical theology and social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary, who was one of the signers and authors of that letter, says that many evangelicals continue to have serious doubts about global warming. “Such a policy of mandatory CO2 emissions reductions as a means of combating global warming rests on three major assumptions, all of which we think are debatable, if not downright false,” he said.

The assumptions that Beisner sees as debatable are that global warming will have catastrophic effects, human emissions of CO2 are a large enough part of the problem that reducing them could significantly reduce global warming, and mandatory emission reductions would have more beneficial than harmful effects on the global environment and human economy.

Unfortunately the latter group has much more money and power, and the will to push it, and to silence their critics.

Calvin B. Dewitt, a professor of environmental studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who is also evangelical, compared the silencing of Rev. Richard Cizik on climate change to the recent muzzling of Dr. James Hansen at NASA. “Here is a person who has not changed [his position], he is just being silenced. People are asking what kind of truth-seeking this is, when a person who is a principal leader in bringing an awareness of climate change to the whole evangelical world — what is going on that’s compelling the NAE executive committee to say you cannot speak for us?” Dewitt predicted that the tactic would backfire on the NAE, since evangelicals have an ideological distaste for church hierarchy, dating back to the Reformation: “It’s raising the issue even higher than it was before.”

I really don’t think schism is going too far here. The root of the disagreement, leaving aside the political pressure, seems to be a clash in theological approach. The creation care fundies appear to be advocates of free will as a gift from God, and the naysayers appear to think that since God supposedly created all things and has a Plan, then anything that’s happening, however negative, must be part of that plan, and you don’t question God’s will, oh no ( or at least ‘God’s will’ as interpreted by James Dobson) – and besides, the rapture’ll happen soon so what does it matter anyhow?

Dobson et al may have the ear of the Administration, but their stock is falling fast, what with Ralph Reed’s shenanigans with Abramoff, but the Evangelical Climate Initiative is deadly serious and increasing its support, even if it is a day late and a dollar short to the climate debate.

Could we be seeing the final fragmentation of the fundies? A little early to tell, but we can hope, and in the meantime it’s good too see they’re not as vile and mendacious as the likes of Dobson and Reed. This sounds more like the Christianity I was taught.

Lets not be too optimistic. Welcome as this development is, they are still working from a creationist, anti-scientific standpoint. But if they can moderate that anti-science stance even a little, I guess it’s a start.

Tags Climate Change Creation Care Evangelism

Invertebrate Rights Now!

The Animal Welfare Bill is wending its way through the House of Commons at the moment, to faint media interest, other than this little nugget, buried in the Guardian Backbencher section:

Margaret Beckett introduced the bill yesterday, observing that only vertebrates would enjoy its protection, unless it could be proven that squid and octopi feel pain.

There must be some invertebrate biologists out there who’d love to give Parliament some expert evidence on the subject.

Rotten Ralphs

Crooks and Liars picks this up from The Talent Show:

“A federal grand jury in Los Angeles this morning returned a 53-count indictment against Ralphs Grocery Company, the owner of about 300 Southland supermarkets, alleging that the company secretly rehired hundreds of locked-out employees under false names and false social security numbers during the 2003-2004 grocery workers labor dispute.

The indictment alleges that Ralphs required rehired locked-out employees to work under false identities to hide its illegal activities from labor unions, the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration and the National Labor Relations Board.

According to the indictment, in secretly rehiring hundreds of locked-out employees under false identities, Ralphs falsified thousands of employment records, including forms filed with government agencies such as employment eligibility forms (INS Forms I-9), employee withholding allowance certificates (IRS Forms W-4), and income tax statements (IRS Forms W-2).

The indictment also alleges that Ralphs falsified reports it submitted to trust funds responsible for providing pension and health benefits for current and retired grocery workers. In addition, Ralphs allegedly issued thousands of weekly payroll checks under the false names used by rehired workers, and then allowed these workers to cash their paychecks at Ralphs stores as means of concealing and promoting the ongoing use of false identities.

The indictment alleges that, in combination with a secret revenue sharing agreement that Ralphs executed with its two main competitors, Ralphs’ covert rehiring of locked-out workers was intended to better Ralphs’ position in the 2003-2004 labor dispute by, among other things, mitigating the financial and operational hardships of a complete lockout. The indictment alleges that Ralphs’ resulting ability to withstand a lengthier lockout provided it with increased leverage over the labor unions, whose financial resources were exhausted by the end of the lockout.
The case was announced this afternoon in Los Angeles “


Ralph’s is already trying to spin this as the work of a fwe rogue store managers, but that conveniently overlooks the fact that this was going on at approx. 90% of their stores.

Full Story here.

American corporations have fuck-all respect for the law, witness my previous post on liar and thief Ken Lay. The law, like taxes, is apparently meant only for the little people.

Before WWII, hired thugs and violence were used to break strikes, with the tacit support of the government. How long before it’s happening again?

It wouldn’t be the first time:

Farmworker strikes have traditionally been broken by strikebreakers and, all too often, drowned in blood. No country has done more than the U.S. to enshrine the right of employers to use strikebreakers, and no workers have been as devastated by the effect of strikebreaking as farmworkers.

From the first Delano grape strike, UFW members watched in anger and agony as growers brought in crews of strikebreakers to take their jobs. When necessary to break a strike, as it was during the lemon strike in Yuma in 1974, the Border Patrol opened the border, and trucks hauling strikebreakers roared up through the Sonora desert every night. Local police and sheriffs provided armed protection.

Non-violence is a basic principle of the UFW because violence in the fields has such a long history. Growers killed strikers in Wheatland at the turn of the century, and Pixley and El Centro in the 30s. Nagi Daifullah and Juan de la Cruz lost their lives in the grapes in the 1973 strike. Rufino Contreras was shot picketing a lettuce field in the Imperial Valley in 1979.

The Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber Dissidents, & Tony Gosling

Thanks to the Bristol branch of the NUJ New Media Committee’s blog, for pointing to this from Reporters Sans Frontieres: The Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber Dissidents.

It looks quite handy:


    • Bloggers, the new heralds of free expression
    • What?s a blog ?
    • The language of blogging
    • Choosing the best tool
    • How to set up and run a blog
    • What ethics should bloggers have ?
    • Getting your blog picked up by search-engines
    • What really makes a blog shine ?
    • Personal accounts:
      – Germany
      – Bahrain
      – USA
      – Hong Kong
      – Iran
      – Nepal
    • How to blog anonymously
    • Technical ways to get around censorship
    • Ensuring your e-mail is truly private
    • Internet-censor world championship

I spotted a familiar name in the list of members of that Bristol committee: Tony Gosling. I don’t know for sure if this is the same person, but I remember running across an ‘independent filmmaker & journalist for Indymedia’ called Tony Gosling, who attached himself to the demonstrations we organised against nuclear weapons in Devonport Dockyard in 2002 and was very erm … assiduous in making sure everyone involved was on video. ( More here)

I was suspicious of his bona-fides at the time ( it wouldn’t be the first time the left had been infiltrated), so I did some digging via various left listservs and it turned out that a ‘Tony Gosling’ had caused all sorts of ruckus in Bristol Indymedia with his tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories and crypto-fascist, ‘New Albion’ ideas. He pushed these through an Icke-like dodgy organisation, called ‘The Land Is Ours’ and through his own website. Obviously the man has not only fooled Bristol IMC but is moving onwards and upwards. What was it raging Pinko Hellcat said about theze ubiquitous careeerists in that last post? Ah yes, “Everydrones manage to promote themselves and be humble at the same time”.

More about Tony Gosling, from his own website, here. There’s a summary of the Bristol IMC troubles here. it wasn’t a small thing and nearly broke Bristol IMC. Some committment to the principles of journalism there by Gosling. Never mind though, he seems to be doing very nicely for himself.

How the hell did he get himself on an NUJ committee? Enquiring minds want to know. You can take a look at what passes for his ‘investigative journalism’ here.

If you’re a different Tony Gosling entirely, my apologies for any aspersions that I’ve cast. If you are that Tony Gosling, no apology from me is needed or planned.