War By Other Means

It’s a tragic and criminal fact that where there’re modern armies there’s prostitution, child sex and human traffickingHalliburton and Dyncorp in the Balkans war being a case in point – but prosttution was never historically organised openly by the Army command structure – was it? Shadow of The Hegemon has an outraged post at what’s emerged about the US’ postwar occupation of Japan: :

The Americans Kept Comfort Women

There are times when I feel that there’s no real point to keeping one of these things up… when I look at the readership stats and think “is it really necessary”?

Then I read something like this, and remember what it really is… a place to be able to speak out, at least in some small way, and say that THIS IS INTOLERABLE.

Japan’s abhorrent practice of enslaving women to provide sex for its troops in World War II has a little-known sequel: After its surrender — with tacit approval from the U.S. occupation authorities — Japan set up a similar “comfort women” system for American GIs.

An Associated Press review of historical documents and records shows American authorities permitted the official brothel system to operate despite internal reports that women were being coerced into prostitution. The Americans also had full knowledge by then of Japan’s atrocious treatment of women in countries across Asia that it conquered during the war.

Tens of thousands of women were employed to provide cheap sex to U.S. troops until the spring of 1946, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur shut the brothels down.

The documents show the brothels were rushed into operation as American forces poured into Japan beginning in August 1945.

“Sadly, we police had to set up sexual comfort stations for the occupation troops,” recounts the official history of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Department, whose jurisdiction is just northeast of Tokyo. “The strategy was, through the special work of experienced women, to create a breakwater to protect regular women and girls.”…

And now we’re finding out that the single most egregious crime of the Imperial Japan, sexual coercion (if not out and out slavery), was enthusiastically embraced by the American occupation? That the “heroes” of the Pacific War, the lions of history, the grandfathers and great-grandfathers that all Americans look up to and venerate were lining up en masse to pay to violate some poor Japanese girl over, and over, and over again?

With the official sanction of the American occupational government?


Read more.

We hear so little about other places in the world under historic American or allied occupation protection that it’s easy to forget that US and allied troops have been stationed for many years in large numbers elsewhere than Iraq or Afghanistan. Japan, for instance. It’s easy to take no notice of what they’ve been up to there when there’s much more exciting, photogenic stuff happening elsewhere. So when what really happened comes out, no wonder people are shocked.

Read More

Palpatine’s Progress

A while back there was a lot of fuss in Australia about Dick Cheney’s entourage of imperial stormtroopers and the military clampdown that they imposed on Sydney citizen’ during his visit:

For three days and nights before Cheney arrived, army Black Hawk helicopters buzzed the Sydney CBD, ostensibly for counter-terrorism training. Several residents contacted newspapers to complain of unbearable noise. One reader told the Sydney Morning Herald: “We are … being buzzed by huge noisy helicopters flying probably only about 20 storeys up. [Five] times in an hour—we can’t hear TV, we can’t talk on the phone.”

Last night, the airspace over Sydney was closed for US Air Force Two to land, and sections of the airport were virtually “locked down”. No members of the public were permitted to enter the vicinity. Dozens of police, security officers and snipers were on the tarmac, as well as inside and outside the airport. A grey Air Force plane arrived first, carrying Cheney’s cavalcade of bulletproof black limousines and an armoured van, while at least three state police helicopters hovered above.

Cheney even pressured the .au government into changing the law so his henchmen could carry guns openly in public, which is bad enough – but a story from Sifu Tweety at The Poor Man makes it horribly clear just how obscene the VP’s arrogance is getting. Apparently Cheney is so completely paranoid that he travels in a plane inside another plane.

Airstream’s appeal seems to have few limits, and indeed a powerful world traveler recently provided proof of its persistent appeal. On a trip to Asia in February, Vice President Dick Cheney traveled in an Airstream — inside an airplane.

Mark Silva, chief of the Washington bureau of The Chicago Tribune, accompanied the vice president as the press corps’ pool print reporter. The group flew on a huge gray C-17 cargo plane that the Air Force calls the Spirit of Strom Thurmond,in honor of the late senator.

!?! Strom Thurmond?. That says so damned much…

Mr. Silva said that when he boarded he noted the familiar outline of the Airstream roof inside the vast fuselage.

What? That’s how he travels? Seriously, is Cheney trying to make himself into a cartoon supervillian? He’s like a white trash Dr. No; would it be surprising at this point if his team of doctors turned out to be sexy martial artists or dwarfs?

Pelosi gets shit for following the common sense recommendations of security professionals, and meanwhile Cheney’s rocking the turducken of air travel. When does this crappy-ass Bruckheimer movie of imperial sunset end, again? Because it’s really stupid.

By the way, I’m sure he uses the C-17 for security purposes. But seriously, the fact that he needs to travel with a small army anywhere he goes in the world doesn’t make it any easier not to see him as, well, what he is.

“The turducken of aviation”. Heh. There’s only one thing missing to make that comparison absolutely perfect.

Friday Comedy Double

Todays clips are an exercise in the comparison of Irish and Australian male attitudes to women and sex. Guess which one is the one that says “If the female genitalia could sing it’d sound like Enya”….?

The first clip is another Comedy Store set, this time from Australian comic Jim Jeffries. This made me howl with laughter and scare the cats – but be warned, it’s absolutely, positively, indubitably NSFW or around anyone who’s easily offended. I’m looking at you, US feminist emo blogs.

So, if you’re at work save it for lunchtime or take the laptop into the loo. If you’re at home have a ball.

The second clip is of Dylan Moran (of Black Books)’ giving his own peculiar spin on women and sex in his Dublin stage show.

In terms of SFW-ness there’s not that much swearing in this one but it’s hardly coy. I’d say your desk-mates might appreciate it but the boss probably wouldn’t.

The K Word



Strewth! Australia rocked by ‘lesbian’ koala revelation
By Roger Dobson
Published: 25 February 2007

Female koalas indulge in lesbian “sex sessions”, rejecting male suitors and attempting to mate with each other, sometimes up to five at a time, according to researchers.

The furry, eucalyptus-eating creatures appear to develop this tendency for same-sex liaisons when they are in captivity. In the wild, they remain heterosexual.

Scientists monitoring the marsupials with digital cameras counted three homosexual interactions for every heterosexual one.

“Some females rejected the advances of males that were in their enclosures, only to become willing participants in homosexual encounters immediately after,” say the researchers.

“On several occasions more than one pair of females shared the same pole, and multiple females mounted each other simultaneously. At least one multiple encounter involved five female koalas.”

Cheney – The Stormtrooper Tour

What a cheery welcome Dick Cheney’s been getting on his vice-imperial progress around the antipodes.

WSW has a report about Cheny’s visit you won’t see in the US media – how Sydney, a city in a friendly sovereign nation and the US’ military ally, was overwhelmed and locked down by US security operatives and .au government goons in full-on, strap-on, gung-ho, military paraphernalia :


Several blocks around Cheney’s hotel are being been shut for the four days, and city streets are being closed whenever Cheney’s convoy passes through, causing traffic chaos. Police and traffic authorities have urged motorists to stay out of the Sydney CBD, warning that “significant delays” will be caused by Cheney’s itinerary, which is being kept a tight secret.

For three days and nights before Cheney arrived, army Black Hawk helicopters buzzed the Sydney CBD, ostensibly for counter-terrorism training. Several residents contacted newspapers to complain of unbearable noise. One reader told the Sydney Morning Herald: “We are … being buzzed by huge noisy helicopters flying probably only about 20 storeys up. [Five] times in an hour—we can’t hear TV, we can’t talk on the phone.”

Last night, the airspace over Sydney was closed for US Air Force Two to land, and sections of the airport were virtually “locked down”. No members of the public were permitted to enter the vicinity. Dozens of police, security officers and snipers were on the tarmac, as well as inside and outside the airport. A grey Air Force plane arrived first, carrying Cheney’s cavalcade of bulletproof black limousines and an armoured van, while at least three state police helicopters hovered above.

Cue the Palpatine theme…. dum dum DUM, dum-da-dum, dum-DA-dum…

After perfunctory greetings by a handful of politicians, Cheney was swiftly taken away in his armour-plated limousine. As his 32-vehicle convoy—1.5 kilometres long—swept through the city to the Shangri-la Hotel on Sydney Harbour, traffic lights were turned red for all other vehicles, causing major disruptions.

This is the largest security operation in Australia since parts of Canberra, the capital, were shut down for US President George Bush’s one-day visit in October 2003. On that occasion, military planes and helicopters hovered overhead, the army’s elite SAS units were on standby and Bush’s secret service personnel were given unprecedented permission to carry weapons in the parliamentary precinct.

On the eve of Cheney’s arrival, the media reported that his security detachment had also been secretly granted special permission to carry guns. According to one Murdoch media report, there had been a threat to cancel the stay unless the NSW Labor government acceded to the federal government’s request to change the state’s Firearms Regulations to permit the security detail to carry sidearms.

NSW Police Minister John Watkins agreed to amend the regulations to allow possession and use of firearms “for personal protection or for the protection of another person” if the NSW Police Commissioner were satisfied that the circumstances warranted it. Defending the decision, Watkins said the federal government had “made very clear that this was critically important to the visit by the Vice President”.

[My emphasis]

How nice, they changed the law just for him too. Cheney was so touched by this warm welcome down under that he gave his hosts the ultimate gift – the refusal to refuse to rule out any options, even nuclear strikes, against those icky nasty Iranians. Really, the ultimate houseguest.