The Power Behind The Throne Blog

In the interest of prudency and knowing your enemy Jesus’ General has been doing a little wingnut talent-spotting:

A rising star in the GOP’s minor leagues

Diane Ensey
Rovian Republican
A-List Review

Dear Mrs. Ensey,

I’ve been following the recent scandal about how you created a blog so you could anonymously attack your husband’s city council opponent, Ron Bonlander. I was particularly impressed by your alleged fabrication of a report that Mr. Bonlander had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. It might seem like a little thing now, but we Republicans respect mendacity, and I’m sure you’ll be asked to help the party lie about bigger things in the future. Who knows, maybe you’ll be tapped to provide the evidence that Iran was behind the California wildfires. I sure hope so. I think you deserve it.


What a lovely specimen she sounds but she’s just one of many political spouses who have problems with boundaries.

When I asked a while back whether spouses should be on the ballot too I was writing with tongue partially-in-cheek: but Ensey was exactly the type of poltical spouse I had in mind,.Another Judy Giuliani, a political spouse who will stop at nothing to get her chosen lifemate elected so that she can play first lady – or alternatively so that she can later use her partner’s poll success and name-recognition as a stepping stone to her own Evitaesque ascendancy to office.

Diane Ensey has several web-based businesses and touts her services as an expert on blogs and blogging:

As a thwarted journalist, Diane was delighted to discover blogging at the 2005 BBS in Seattle. She currently blogs for Know More Media at A List Review and Do Real Time and is owner of Beyond Paper which helps business owners put the internet to work for their company. An active proponent of blogs and blogging, Diane runs workshops for ‘regular folks’, introducing them to blogs and the world of blogging. She lives in Yakima, WA.

She discovered blogging in 2005 and she’s an expert? Not expert enough to hide her sockpuppetry.

The logo blurb at Ensey’s ‘Beyond Paper’ proclaims that it’s ‘making the internet work for you!’. Um. It’s not working very well for her at the moment, is it?

A Small But Telling Bit of Fluff

Sorry about the current obsession with the Observer/Guardian, but I do think that a newspaper that has such a magisterial online presence and which prides itself on journalistic standards and objectivity is worth a closer look.

So when while reading the Observer women’s section yesterday I cane across this article from Kathryn Flett I couldn’t let it go:

I’m going on a man hunt
Get a job? A man? In these complex times, what’s an honest gold-digger to do


So a woman doesn’t need to be a hottie to land herself a millionaire, but if she wants to keep one she’ll need the same amount of self-belief and determination that some men channel into climbing the north face of the Eiger. Gold-digging will always be a slog, but if a woman’s idea of a romantic pay-off is signing a pre-nup then who am I to judge how the contemporary Becky Sharp spends her ‘working’ day?

Indeed, when the following refreshingly honest ad was posted on craigslist, you had to admire the pragmatism.

‘I’m tired of beating around the bush,’ the advertiser wrote. ‘I’m a spectacularly beautiful 25-year-old. I’m articulate and classy. I’m not from New York. I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but a million a year is middle-class in New York City, so I don’t think I’m overreaching … I am interested in marriage only’, and then, sweetly, if optimistically, ‘hold your insults – I’m putting myself out there in an honest way’. They didn’t, of course.

Given there are fewer marriages every year, the usual gilt-edged security afforded the traditional gold-digger seems to be that much harder to acquire, so hey – why not tell it like it is?


How oddlly familar.I thought. I know that story:

I Am Saying She’s A Golddigger

I came across this Craigslist-related morality play while idly googling for something else, as is often the way. Apparently this dating ad and the reply has been doing the email rounds on Wall St and I think it’s time it broke into the general population.

Craigslist Meets WallStreet…Classic
What a classic answer…..


What am I doing wrong?

Okay, I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I’m articulate and classy.
I’m not from New York . I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don’t think I’m overreaching at all.


In the immortal words of Chandler Bing, could they be any more shallow?

But on the other hand, there is something to be said for treating marriage like a contract, at least everone knows where the stand, or thinks they do. But it only works when both sides have more or less equal bargaining power, which patently isn’t the case here.

Still, there was a time when a girl had to rely on her father to do the bargaining when she was sold into marriage – I suppose it’s a step forward, of a kind, that now she gets to set the terms of the sale herself.

I wrote that back at the start of October. Now I’n not an idiot, I’m perfectly aware that print journalists mine the internet for stories and this article is most likely a amalgam of many sources. I’d be very surprised indeed if Flett had read my post. I’n not alleging plagiarism; but the that Flett does present the storyi as though she had come across it herself on Craig’s Liist.

That she did I find highly doubtful. More likely is that the story’s been percolating around and through email lists and eventually ended up in her inbox, or she saw it on a blog. It’s been out there for a while now.

But it is deeply irritating to see her turning a quick buck on a piece of fluff built on other people’s unpaid work.

Flett saw a story online and used it to hang a saleable article on, presenting the story as her own whilst completely ignoring the original source. It may be typical journalistic sleight of hand to do this but for me it borders on the dishonest.

She also competely diregarded the enormous amount of discussion and commentary about what this story says about relations between men and women in today’s society, much of which has been taking place online .

She might’ve written about the way online debate is pushing the boundaries of discussion on gender relations, using the craigslist ad as a jumping-off point. Now that would have made a good artlcle. But no. Instead we got a bit of metropolitan fluff about Flett’s lovelife and her brushes with lucury, not omitting the obligatory allusion to Becky Sharp, that convenient literary shorthand for the archetypal mercenary female – which is what the Gurdian/Observer seems to think its female readers are, an army of forty-ish Becky Sharps interested in only what the most fashionable preschool, London address or wrinkle cream is.

Journalists are very fond of emphasising the differences between themselves and bloggers. They like to think that they have superior ethics. Bolllocks. The differences between bloggers and journalists are that a] bloggers acknowledge our sources with links, and b] bloggers don’t get paid for mining others’ work for material. Well, some do, but like journalists who do the same thing, they’re assholes.

Some People Want The Moon On A Stick

NL-based Pyjamas Media “liberal conservative’ (no, I don’t get it either) member blog The Van Der Galien Gazette has the blegging bowl out:

…we want to make this blog one of the major players in the blogosphere. We wish to – as always – offer comments and analyses to and of news, but we also want to offer original reporting. We want to make the blog more accessible and we want to offer you higher quality posts and articles. We also want this blog – which we believe has a lot of potential – to grow significantly in the coming months. We want to become something that doesn’t, in our opinion, exist today: we want to become the center / right-of-center website on the Net: a place where moderate liberals, centrists and conservatives feel at home.

Here comes the hit…. wait for it….

If you want this blog to grow, if you want it to become bigger and especially better, if you enjoy all the work we put into it, please consider helping us collect the money to improve this website.

Pyjamas Media. There’s their first mistake right there.

Anyway, what does it actually cost to host a WordPress blog? Not a lot. So how much do they need? They don’t say: there is no maximum. It’s open-ended. I wonder, what do they actually need this open-ended amount of money for?

But I suppose when you’ve got an editor-in-chief and founder, an assistant editor and administrator, an assistant editor and contributing authors, columnists and resident experts to support, you’ve got to get out the blegging bowl now and then, especially when you have big ambitions and you’re ranked a respectable but by no means hugely popular 10,736 at Technorati and the ad revenue from Pyjamas Media is what? Miniscule? Negligible? Are they even making any money?

If people like your ideas and writing, they’ll beat a path to your door and even then you’ll be lucky to get a voluntary contribution. If they don’t they won’t, and you can beg for contributions till the cows come home. Even the newspapers don’t make money from online content. Anyone hoping to build a online politics media empire from contributions or even ad revenue is deluded, unless they are very, very determined and have a unique yet populist idea and good backers from the outset. I don’t see that here.

But keep on feeding this kind of twaddle about Amsterdam to the wingnuts and he’ll soon get the hitcount up, at least:

To My Government: Please Round Up the Moroccan-Dutch “Youths” Terrorizing Amsterdam

This is just the kind of hysteria the wingers love to hear about Europe; it feeds right into their fantasies of ilsamofascists coming to kill us all in our beds and into the narrative of weak Euroweenies giving into terrorism while America holds the line against the rampaging Moslem hordes.

Actually two police officers were stabbed when a mentally ill Dutch-Moroccan man with ties to the Hofstad group invaded a police station: he was shot dead by a policewoman. The facts are undeniable. But Amsterdam terrorised? Oh, please.

There has been rioting by local Moroccan-Dutch youths, but it’s localised to Slotervaart and nothing like on the scale of the riots in the banlieues. To read that post you’d think the city were on fire and that Moslems and non-Moslems at each others’ throats, rather than just a bunch of disaffected minority youth in a deprived neighbourhood being deliberately wound up by a few ideologically-motivated rabble rousers. Nope, it’s all “Aiiee, run! Islamofascists!”

But the post fits right in with the usual tenor of Pyjamas Media‘s European contributions, most of which seem to consist of stories about how those dreadful multicultural socialist lefty types do the poor hard-done-by Eurowinger down. For example:

When conservative columnist Joshua Livestro was confronted with censorship at the Dutch public broadcasting corporation, he didn’t get mad – he got even.

I see that the same carefully cultivated sense of victimisation in the US right wing is rife in Pyjamas Media contributors in the Netherlands as well:

1] Don’t let your arguments speak for themselves
2] Bully and be obnoxious and
3] Demand that your strident views on the free market and the crucial importance of Judaeo-Christian morals to humanity’s survival be heard, even if no-one actually wants to hear it.

It’s that sense of entitlement to the political space that gets on my nerves.

Most of us bloggers get it that if your ideas succeed they’ll succeed because they’re good ideas: but conservatives expect to be paid for spouting their opinion and not only that, they expect to be able to build a media empire on the back of it too. They accuse the left of expecting the world to owe us a living but they really do want the moon on a stick.

Comment of The Day

Is this nicely tart communicatiion from this morning’s Guardian letters page:

Is it just me, or is there a certain irony in the Communication Workers Union taking out an advertisement (October 9) urging readers to write to their local MPs and the Royal Mail’s management in support of the postal strike?

Dr Stuart Dunn (via email)
Reading, Berkshire

I’m at the dialysis unit all day today doing my bit for science by participating in a study, so no more posting till later on and only then if I feel up to it. There are many many fine blogs on the blogroll and my links are all up to date, so you needn’t miss me one little bit, not that you would’ve anyhow.

Myself, I shan’t miss a world in which a 12 year old sick boy is stalked and attacked by a mindless, baying mob of supposedly civilised adults led by a woman with no sense of morals or shame but with a bottomless well of viciousness and bile.

Michelle Malkin has finally gone over the edge – I doubt that even if her own children were attacked in the same way (and there are those who seem intent on doing this – they are as bad as she is) that it would stop her – her rage-fuelled insanity has gone accelerating away over the horizon, cheered on by the likes of cheap radio demagogues like Lmbaugh and O’Reilly . She is a danger to the public and everyone around her, if not physically by inciting violence, then morally; Malkin has lowered, (no, dragged down) the bar of political dicourse almost as low as it can go, if you can even dignify what she does as discourse, More a howling of jackals in an endless wiilderness of hate, greed and fear.

A blogosphere in which a Michelle Malkin exists and is celebrated is a world I’m glad to escape from, if only for a day. I’d rather have the needles.

Things To Read And Look At

Oh my lord. Pink guns for girls. What’s next, the Barbie AK47?

“Females want to shoot guns, but they want them to look pretty, too,” he said. “Guys could give a rat’s butt what their gun looks like.”

Experimental baking:

Sweet Corn, Maple, and Bacon Cupcakes and Doughnuts and Coffee cupcakes.

Alternet: The Federal War on Medical Marijuana Becomes a War on Children

Automatic weapons. Check. Helicopters. Check. Dogs. Check. Bulletproof vests. Check.

You may not buy the government’s characterization of its campaign against medical marijuana patients as a “war on drugs,” but increasingly violent, militaristic tactics in recent months offer a troubling glimpse into the federal law enforcement community’s mentality: To them, this is war.

Not that they’re obsessed or anything. A World of Warcraft wedding cake:

Science Daily: Racism’s Cognitive Toll: Subtle Discrimination Is More Taxing On The Brain

John Dean: The Impact of Authoritarian Conservatism On American Government: Part Three in a Three-Part Series

Under Speaker Gingrich as well as Speaker Hastert, who followed him, extreme centralization of the legislative processes of the House occurred. Regularly, GOP leaders wrote the laws themselves – often relying on lobbyists to do the grunt work of drafting – rather than abiding by the regular procedures of the committees, which hold hearings and have professional staff to draft legislation. When not actually writing the laws, the House leaders often drastically changed proposed legislation themselves, typically late in the evening when no one was around to contest their actions.

Justice for war crimes is possible.

Is it a cake or a baked potato?

Well, don’t send bacteria them into space then:

Microbes that cause salmonella came back from spaceflight even more virulent and dangerous in an experiment aboard the US space shuttle Atlantis, according to a study published on Monday.

Awww, poor little loves. Who’d want to shoot kittens from a cannon? Me! Kitten Cannon flash game: