Blimey, this bank crash is making people eloquent. This comment to Deborah Hargreaves’ Guardian post calling for the heads of bank bosses got 60-odd recommends in a couple of hours in the middle of the night.
I think the average Guardian reader’s a just a little bit angry at the banks:
Oct 10 08, 12:40am (about 7 hours ago)
In another article, it has been warned that hedge fund managers and the like will just move to “high-paying Mumbai and Shanghai”. You know what? Read on:
Those of you wealthy people who think you can threaten to take your “expertise” abroad, go. Leave. Get the hell out. We’ll strip you of your passport and you’ll never come back. People are sick of the wealthy threatening to leave at any sign that they might actually have to pay their fair share. Some might consider this anti-social behaviour. If you cannot survive on what everyone else survives on, if you think that the unfettered amassing of wealth is a “good thing” then fuck right off and go.
And good riddance be to you, you social-darwinist deviant
What could I possibly add to that?
Someone followed up:
Domovoy07, Oct 10 08, 3:52am (about 3 hours ago)
I am really disappointed. CiF is not supposed to be a place for hate speech. I know bankers and bankers. Some of them are now on a very difficult animic moment, deeply lost in a soul-searching process that can be personally devastating.
Good. They bloody well should be.