RIP Jim and To Hell With Sensible Liberals

Susie Madrak has a terrific post up at the Huffpo (yes, I know, but where better to get to the sensible liberals and smug parlour pinks?

Do I have your attention? Good.

I would like to point out the utter injustice of a Democratic political system that is very, very happy to take the money and volunteers the blogosphere sends its way, and in return, we get… um….

Invitations to appear at places most of us can’t even afford to travel, with no way to pay for a hotel — unless you’re an A-list blogger.

Oh, and awards. Yay!

A small handful of top bloggers gets some help: Fellowships, stipends, consulting gigs. The rest of us? Bubkis.

There is not even a little doubt in my mind that, if The Rittenhouse Review’s Jim Capozzola had remained a Republican, he’d be alive right now. He would have been in a well-paid think tank job, living the high life. (He did, after all, have a masters degree in foreign policy.) Most importantly, he would have had health insurance for the past six years.

And what did his talent and dedication get him on the liberal side of the political noise machine? Some free books. A life that, as intellectually stimulating as it was, reduced him to living on the charity of strangers.

People saying really kind and thoughtful things about how important he was to the cause – after he’s dead. Isn’t that ironic?

Yes. It should make any leftist livid .

As sick as I’ve been the one thing I don’t have to worry about now is that it will cause us a total financial meltdown – our income is lessened, surely, but it’s not disastrous. Because of European socialised health insurance I’m exceedingly lucky – and don’t I know it.

20 years ago in the US multiple emergency admissions for an acute kidney infection and complications cost me a total of $40,000 and that just was my 20% share, despite having had Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance. I dread to think how much it would cost now – and that’s if I could get affordable cover to begin with. Yeah, right.

The bill collectors even then were rapacious. they don’t give a damn if you’re sick. The only way out was Chapter 8; but now even that relief from the crippling weight of medical debt has been taken away from sick people with mounting medical bills.

Many now die rather than incur the cost of treatment because familiy budgets are so precarious and insurance unavailable or unaffordable. Many lives are severely shortened too by the burden of stress that medical debt causes.

I was lucky – if my parents hadn’t come and fetched me back to the much-maligned NHS, I’d’ve been dead in my early twenties. As it was I could never return to the US because I’d never get insurance again. Too risky. But I was lucky enough to be born British. For Americans with no insurance – well, not to be mealymouthed about it, they’re fucked. Health is where inequality really bites.

Because of socialised medicine and welfare system of national insurance and sickness benefit, when I’ve been too ill to work outside the home (and I have whenever possible; everyone should work) I’ve still been able to be politically active and engaged and maintain some degree of independence, . I’ve even managed to stay online, albeit intermittently (Food or phone bill? Food.) and that has kept me in touch with the world.

Not so for American bloggers :

Jim’s death has made me realize that, despite the yes, millions of dollars and untold hours of volunteer support the left blogosphere has thrown the way of the Democratic party, they will never, ever, ever give us anything more than a pat on the back. “Isn’t that cute? They think they’re special.”

I don’t know what it is about liberal groups whose leaders assume you should live on air while you give your life to the cause. Has it even occurred to them how much harder it is to get a “regular” job when you’re publicly and politically active? I guess not. After all, they’re already employed.

Exactly. They are the hereditary political elite: they are entitled to make a living from their minds. Us, the physical defectives – generally not white and not male – with the dangerous anti-elite ideas, not so much. Nothing we have to say could possibly be important. But why should their voices, and the voices acceptable to them, be the only ones to be heard?

One of the reasons disabled people and those with chronic illnesses get involved online is because online you can be judged, not by your physical illness, but by what you actually say. We tend not to advertise our infirmities: who wants to be known as “Oh, so and so, the Huntingtons blogger” for example? Illness is also an intensely personal thing you don’t always want to share – and admitting to struggling with debts too, however necessarily incurred, is shaming in a society where you are your credit rating. But it doesn’t mean we’re not here:

You may not even know that Jim’s case wasn’t unusual. I can name at least a dozen well-known bloggers off the top of my head who are in dire straits financially. I know several with health conditions that could become critical at any moment, and like me, they’re living without health insurance, the Sword of Damocles dangling over their heads.

Even though there have been times when I’ve been desperately poor – sickness benefits were never generous, they’re totally inadequate now, but at least we have them, unlike in the US – nevertheless I’ve known that my absolutely necessary medical care, the long hospital stays, the past and future surgery, the radiotherapy I had, the huge amounts of drugs I still need; they’re all paid for.

The sword of Damocles has been removed from above my head and the relief from that particular worry that that gives is unimaginable.

I often rail about the insular competitiveness that’s been developing with US liberal blogs, but then I have luxury to be able to do it; our livelihood is not entirely dependent on blogging and thus on links and traffic. For America’s bloggers it’s different, and lthere are those whose continuing health (like Jim’s did) depends on blog income, So no wonder, that despite the surface collegiality, that the kool kidz are so jealous of their status as top ad-earners. A glass cieling has developed, either by design or by evolution, it’s hard tell which.

Buit as regular commenter bjaques pointed out recently the internet has a tendency to route around obstacles. Susie Madrak has a plan:

And so I am talking to lawyers about putting together a non-profit to help progressive bloggers. Not, as some groups offer, to help them organize for the Democratic party — to help them personally, with things like electric bills and health insurance. I plan to recruit every blogger I can for the effort. One local blog proprietor is working right now to put together a concert benefit with a big name.

We should at least have our paperwork filed by the end of the summer. And if you, the blog reader, wants to be part of it, great. Hold a bake sale, even — every little bit helps.

I know a lot of us aren’t all that thrilled with the Democrats right now. So, until we get this foundation set up, you can directly support the people who do keep standing up to the Republican regime — bloggers, the ones who aren’t making a living off this insane labor of love. Go hit those donation buttons!

And for those of you who want to help this foundation — if you have a business, and want to donate either money or computers, great. If you’re a musician, and want to volunteer for a benefit, cool. (Anyone who has something to offer can email me at suburbanguerrilla AT

This is something that every progressive blogger should support. We cannot continue to expect the people we’re figjhting against – the Washington insiders, the sensible Leiberman ‘liberals’, the thinktanks funded with corporate money – to fund progressive blogging. Neither can we expect support from a blogging elite that’s fast becoming, if not another wing of mainstream media, at least a group that follows the news agenda set by the mediia and essentially plays by its rules.

The kind of effort Susie is proposing is where self-organisation begins – weren’t the first embryo modern political parties mutual aid societies? What Susie is proposing is collective action of the most basic kind and something anyone who considers themself a leftist should get behind, provided that it’s open, accountable and democratically run and I have no reason to beleive it won’t be.

Well done, that woman, and RIP Jim Capozzola.

Pile Of Shit Found in Capitol.

How could they tell where it was with the stink of corruption all up in the place?

Turds found in Capitol, but no ‘blossoms’ in sight
According to a Capitol Hill newspaper, police are unable to solve the mystery of the “caca caper.”

“Usually, if a turd gets into the Senate, it’s because he or she was elected,” Emily Heil reports for Roll Call. “But on Wednesday, several large piles of actual, nonmetaphorical ‘No. 2’ found their way into the Capitol, and the source isn’t yet clear.”

Heil continues, “On Wednesday afternoon, Capitol Police cordoned off a section of the hallway on the third floor of the Senate side of the Capitol, where at least three piles of the stuff were causing a stench — and a stir. At first, the word circulating among the staff was that a visiting child had fallen ill while in the gallery. But then the prevailing theory was that the foul stuff had come from an adult or group of adults making a yet-to-be-determined political statement.”

According to the paper, “Reports also circulated that the yucky stuff had been smeared on seats in the gallery overlooking the chamber floor, and the gallery remained closed hours after the incident was first noted.”


Witnesses said they couldn’t believe that a single culprit could have produced the volume of poo present or that a person could have, well, deposited it the normal way without attracting attention. Several witnesses speculated it had been brought in from elsewhere.

“There was so much of it, there was just no way it came from a little kid or even that one person had done it,” said one staffer who witnessed the stinky scene.

Oh Yeah?

Jonathan Freedland was being ridiculously optimistic in the Guardian this morning:

A new book, Second Chance by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the cold war hawk who served as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, includes a startling phrase. No leftist, Brzezinski detects what he calls a “global political awakening”, a stirring across much of the developing world, among those who are “conscious of social injustice to an unprecedented degree and resentful of its deprivations and lack of personal dignity”. Thanks to television and the internet, the global have-nots can now see all that the haves are enjoying at their expense. The hard-headed Brzezinski sniffs revolution in the air.


Is it possible that the Blair era of neoliberal certainty is coming to a close, that there are stirrings abroad that call for something else? Might there not be a demand for action, as there was when the last intolerable gap in wealth opened up nearly a century ago – a demand, in short, for a battle against inequality?

Dream on, Freedland. This is what happens when you plan to challenge the neoliberal status quo:

Hamburg – Hundreds of German police searched Wednesday the homes and offices of militants planning to protest against globalization at next month’s G8 summit on the Baltic coast. Federal prosecutors in Karlsruhe said they suspected 18 persons of terrorism. The inquiry is focussed on a series of petrol-bomb attacks over the past year on the offices, homes and cars of German officials in Berlin and Hamburg.

The raids, on 40 premises in northern Germany, were conducted by nearly 900 police.

The 18 had claimed responsibility under a variety of names for their bombings, prosecutors said.

Also under investigation were three persons identified as members of the separate Militant Groups (MG), a terrorist organization which had mounted two anti-G8 attacks, and 25 attacks on property in all since 2001.

Leftists accuse the Group of Eight (G8) nations of oppressing poor countries. They plan to disrupt the G8 summit to be hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the beach resort of Heiligendamm.

Police arrived at dawn at the Rote Flora, a building which functions as a headquarters for the German anarchist movement in the northern German city of Hamburg.

Prosecutors said the raids on the 18-person organization and MG were aimed at collecting documents and other evidence.

Among the targets of nine bomb attacks during 2006 was Thomas Mirow, state secretary of the finance ministry who lives in Hamburg, and there have been more attacks this year. Police have made no arrests so far.

The Rote Flora is the crumbling remnant of a 19th century theatre and was taken over by squatters in 1989.

The leftists now have a lease on the building, which has been at the focus of repeated clashes between rioters and the city-state’s riot police down the years.

Merkel has invited the leaders of the G7 nations and Russia to Heiligendamm, a high-class resort in sparsely populated countryside, to discuss world economic issues next month.

‘Leftist’ by whose definition? I note also that the arrested’ve been accused of terrorism – maybe I’m just dim, but I can’t find any reports on Google of a terrorist petrol bombing campaign carried out recently by leftists in Germany. Maybe someone can enlighten me?

I wonder how long it will take for all these people to be released with no charges against them. Not until conveniently after the G8, I expect.

Linky Linky

I’m still not feeling very well still so here’s a bunch of interesting stuff to be going on with till I feel up to ranting at the world in my usual misanthropic way.

Just when you though the lolcats were over…. LOLBEES!

I can has royle jelli?

Food politics: is your butter-flavoured popcorn killing workers?

Hah. Wolfowitz guilty of ethics breach says World Bank panel

BOOM! Big bada-boom!

Brightest supernova evar: The brightest stellar explosion ever recorded may be a long-sought new type of supernova, according to observations by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ground-based optical telescopes. This discovery indicates that violent explosions of extremely massive stars were relatively common in the early universe, and that a similar explosion may be ready to go off in our own Galaxy.

And while we’re on the subject of space; octogenarian astronomer and wingnut Sir Patrick Moore proves age is no bar to mysognynistic assholery, in the Telegraph:

On the subject of female newsreaders, he said: “These jokey women are not for me. Oh, for the good old days. “There was one day (in 2005) when BBC News went on strike. Then we had the headlines read by a man, talking the Queen’s English, reading the news impeccably. “I would like to see two independent wavelengths – one controlled by women, and one for us, controlled by men. I think it may eventually happen.”

He should stick to reporting on comets and cosmology, he knows bugger-all about anything else.

Aw, poor iddle wingnuts, they got up a nice shiny drum-beatin’, war-lovin’ online petition, with like, Instapundit and all, and those pesky liberals immediately came along and pissed on their bonfire. Until the lone alert winger on duty noticed and yanked the page of fictitious petition-supporting blogs much hilarity ensued,. Petty but fun. I wish there really were a blog called Grabthar’s Krauthammer.

Sky-fairy spotting: Jesus on a four-gig Samsung Flash memory chip. Looks more like HELLO, I”M BRIAN BLESSED! to me.

Shorter Times columnist Minette Marin – “Oh no, the Morlocks are coming!” In Blair’s ruinous legacy of beta children a posh Tory totty holds forth on those dreadful state school children. Why, the chav might rub off on Theo or Poppy, and that would never do! Cameron may be photogenic and’ve done well at the local elections but the Tories haven’t changed a bit, every one’s a Hyacinth Bucket.

Robbery is the mother of invention:Johannesburg robbers superglue naked man to exercise bike

Mitt Romney’s Guide To Europe: sounds about right to me, at least where provinicial NL’s concerned:

Page 76:
The Netherlands, Deventer –
The purple pipeweed is good and the ladies are babalicious at Garth’s Party On Cafe.

Bibliodyssey is like candy for the booklover – you can’t stop till you’ve eaten the whole bag. Here’s one of the illustrative plates of squid from the book The Voyages of the Corvette L’Astrolabe

Bibliodyssey, The Corvette L'Astrolabe

Don’t start looking unless you’re willing to give up the rest of the day. Fantastic.

Bigots 1, CBS 0.

Impeachment IS On The Table

Nice one. From Raw Story:


At a dinner honoring Pelosi Saturday evening, pro-impeachment activists slipped elegant placecards onto each place at the table. The cards read:

Remember, We’re the Deciders.
Impeachment is on the table.
Investigate and Impeach Cheney and Bush!


Secret Service agents blocked Jeeni Criscenzo, the endorsed Democratic Congressional candidate who ran against Darrell Issa, from unfurling a banner at the dinner which read:

Impeach Bush-Cheney Now
No Attack on Iran!

“Where is our freedom?” asked Criscenzo. “Thousands of people have signed this banner and they won’t let us present it to the Speaker quietly and respectfully.” Criscenzo added that she “might just go to Washington for Mother’s Day” to try and present the banner to Pelosi.

Read more