One More And She Could’ve Made Herself A Tiara


What? Did I say something wrong?

Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:25pm EDT

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) – Malaysian doctors have reattached a man’s nearly severed penis after his first wife, enraged by his comparison of her sex skills with those of his younger second wife, decided to chop it off with a kitchen knife.

The man, a 43-year-old Indonesian worker in southern Johor state, was lying in bed with his 48-year-old wife talking about his newly wed second wife, who is in her 30s, when the incident happened, the New Straits Times newspaper reported.

Despite his shock and pain, the man managed to pull on his trousers and ride his motorcycle to a nearby hospital, where doctors had to put in 11 stitches to reattach the organ.

The man later complained to police, who arrested the woman and plan to charge her with voluntarily causing grievous hurt with a dangerous weapon, which carries the penalty of a three-year jail term and a fine, the newspaper reported.

If You’re At All Sensitive About Your Masculinity, Look Away Now

Proof that parties, intoxicants, temper and vulnerable external genitals don’t mix: I don’t even have balls, except in the purely metaphorical sense, yet I’m wincing at this BBC Merseyside story:

Yes, this is a real product.

Woman jailed for testicle attack
A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend’s testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison.

Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage when Geoffrey Jones, 37, rejected her advances at the end of a house party, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

She pulled off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out. A friend handed it back to Mr Jones saying: “That’s yours.”

Monti admitted wounding and was jailed for two-and-a-half years.

‘Pulled hard’

Sentencing Monti, Judge Charles James said it was “a very serious injury” and that Monti was not acting in self defence.

The court heard that Mr Jones had ended his long-term but “open relationship” with Monti towards the end of May last year.

The pair remained on good terms and on 30 May she picked him up from a party in Crosby and went back for drinks with friends at Mr Jones’s house.

An argument ensued and Mr Jones said there was a struggle between them.

In his statement, Mr Jones said she grabbed his genitals and “pulled hard”.

He added: “That caused my underpants to come off and I found I was completely naked and in excruciating pain.”

The court heard that a friend saw Monti put Mr Jones’s testicle into her mouth and try to swallow it.

She choked and spat it back into her hand before the friend grabbed it and gave it back to Mr Jones. Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ.


It’s LART* Time Again

Chris Clarke at Pandagon gives those men who’re pontificating on ‘wussy’ women who can’t take online harassment (see Wampum’s roundup for backstory) a great big whack with the clue bat :

How not to be an asshole: a guide for men
Published by Chris Clarke April 13th, 2007 in Gender Issues, Assholes.


I’m a big fan of dispassionate, rational, fact-based discussion of the issues myself, and it is in that spirit that I offer, to my brethren who’ve taken it upon themselves to be a shining light of dispassion on this topic, these fraternal words of guidance:

Shut the fuck up.

Here are a few of the actual facts that prompt the above sage counsel:

— You are not saying anything the women you’re talking to haven’t heard a thousand times before. You are not saying anything the women you’re talking to haven’t told themselves a thousand times before. If you would actually stop your reflexive know-it-all yammering and pay attention to what women actually SAY about the offenses they suffer on the sexual harassment – rape continuum, you will note that almost to a woman they second-guess their own gut feelings about the putative offender far beyond the point where almost any man would.

— You are wrong. If you doubt that the nature of abuse and harassment women suffer, online or off, differs from that men experience, then you don’t know what you’re talking about. Oddly, the Internets offer a way for you to verify this fact for yourself. About a dozen years ago, at the urging of a feminist online acquaintance, I logged on to AOL using an obviously female but non-provocative handle. (”AliciaMN.”) Within five minutes of logging on I had sexually abusive IMs popping up from men I didn’t know. Didn’t matter which room I was in: general chat, politics, classical music. I kept up the experiment for I think four days, a couple hours a day, sometimes chatting with people about non-sexual topics, sometimes just lurking. Two of the men who IMed AliciaMN with blatantly and obnoxiously sexual messages — “Hey, I’m up in Alaska! How ’bout you thaw my dick out with your throat?” being an example I recall — responded to my NON-response by telling “Alicia” she deserved to get raped.

This is neither new nor surprising information to any woman here. I mention it because 1) maybe if a man says it it’ll be taken seriously and 2) it implies a suggestion that disbelievers find a venue equivalent to AOL in its heyday and repeat my experiment, in the spirit of dispassionate empiricism.

— If no woman in your life has ever talked to you about how she lives her life with an undercurrent of fear of men, consider the possibility that it may be because she sees you as one of those men she cannot really trust.

— Finally, let’s assume just for the sake of argument that you’re right. You aren’t. But just as a gedankenexperiment, let’s pretend you are, and that the women who are talking about the massive deadweight silence from men about the harassment they experience, and who are getting all upset and speaking in terms of “war zones” and “hate crimes” and such are just being emotional, hysterical even, and — like the people who forward that bogus email about the guy with the ropes and duct tape in hs trunk in the mall parking lot — just need to be set straight with a calm, measured dose of logic and fact-checking.

In most situations, that’s a fine impulse. There really is no reason to get upset about LSD in blue star tattoos, and Bill Gates really isn’t paying people who forward a chain email.

But this situation is qualitatively different. When the topic at hand is men not taking an issue seriously, suggesting that the issue might not really be all that serious is not being dispassionate. It is, in fact, taking a side. And the people on the side you’re taking, incidentally, include the gropers, the rapists, the sexual-favor-demanding bosses.

In short, if you’re interested in quibbling with the data or suggesting alternate interpretations of what Kos really meant when he called Kathy Sierra a lying “crying blogger,” and your goal is not to be a flaming asshole, shut the fuck up.

And when you shut the fuck up, two magical things happen:

1) You’re no longer actively contributing to the very problem you’re discussing;
2) It’s easier to listen to what the women are actually saying.

Well, quite.

I have to wonder though – would I have featured this post with such alacrity had it been written by a woman? I’d like to think so, but let’s face it, we’re all products of our own conditioning and I, like every poor bugger else, was raised in a patriarchy so quite possibly I wouldn’t have. Which is sad.

*Google is your friend.

Shock Treatment

Yet another asshole who’s internalised ’24’. Via Raw Story:

Friday, January 26, 2007 · Last updated 3:23 p.m. PT

Man zaps wife’s grandma in dispute at North Bonneville home


NORTH BONNEVILLE, Wash. — A man who used a stun gun on his 79 year-old grandmother-in-law after an argument over how to discipline his toddler son was arrested for investigation of domestic violence assault.

Aaron de Bruyn, 26, was cited with fourth-degree domestic violence assault Wednesday and was released from the Skamania County Jail Thursday afternoon, said Calvin Owens, police chief in this town about 30 miles up the Columbia River from Portland, Ore.

The argument began Wednesday morning when his 7-month-old son tried to reach behind the family’s entertainment system to grab the electrical wires, de Bruyn told The Columbian newspaper of Vancouver.

Fearing the boy would shock himself, he told the boy “no” a couple of times and gave the child a swat on his diapered bottom.

De Bruyn said his grandmother-in-law, Rosemary Garlock, told him that was child abuse and threatened to have the child taken away. He said he then told Garlock to leave and she refused.

After an argument that lasted several minutes, he pulled out his Taser stun gun and told her he would use it on her if she didn’t leave within 60 seconds. He counted down, and when she didn’t leave, he shocked her on her right shoulder as she sat on the living room couch.

“She yelped, because getting Tased hurts,” de Bruyn said. “She started screaming at the top of her lungs to call 911.”

Garlock did not need medical attention.

De Bruyn said he had the 50,000-volt Taser X26 energy weapon in case he was confronted with a burglar in his house. He said he was the one who called authorities, saying he had a relative in his house who would not leave.

De Bruyn’s stun gun was confisicated.

“If I had to do it over again, I wouldn’t,” he said of the incident. “It’s pretty intimidating, everything that’s been going on. I’ve never been in jail or in court, never been in trouble with the law.”

Since when is a 7-month old baby a toddler? This is a 7-month old baby:

Canadian PM gets nose tweaked

So we have a situation where a man, (and I use the term merely to describe his gender, niot his character) is ‘disciplining’ 7-month old baby. Then we find that he had a Taser on his person – ‘he pulled out his Taser stun gun’ – and the baby was, as they do, investigating something interesting, in this case loose wires.

How very co-incidental.

The circumstances are certainly capable of the construction that Daddy Dearest might possibly been planning to show the baby what a real electric shock felt like – a swat on the ass, my ass – when Grandma, quite reasonably, protested.

What an asshole. de Bruyn says he wouldn’t do it again, not because it’s wrong to attack a 79-year old great-grandmother or hit a baby, but because he was scared of the police.