Eating ‘Umble Pie


Pity Labour’s decent left, poor loves; reduced as a result of Smeargate into trying to Uriah Heep themselves into another glorious 12 years of Labour rule. Frank Field MP:

Darkness at the Heart of the Labour Party

Harold Wilson asserted that the Labour party was a moral crusade or it was nothing. The McBride affair has left Labour members looking at nothing. That is the reality check that McBride has wrought on the party.Labour supporters are left bewildered and wondering what happened to the moral crusading side of our mission.

Poor old Labour party.

So very very ‘umble.

Nothing’s illustrated New Labour’s complete lack of clue about the wired world – and their own legislation – more than the way they still think they can hide things they’ve done online.

But Gordon Brown and his new media minister/guru Tom Watson are learning fast that things a politician or his aide might have done online (or ordered to have done), no matter how anonymous or pseudonymous it was at the time, can come back to bite said politician in the ass:

A bogus applicant using the name “Ollie Cromwell” paid £8.99 to set up The Red Rag as a campaign blog. The buyer had to provide only a name, address, telephone number and e-mail to create the site on November 4 last year. The address given was the House of Commons, The Times has been told. The site was registered for two years, ensuring that it would be in place throughout the general election campaign, which must be called by June next year.?

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so fucking tragic: a discredited PM and a corrupt cabinet are teetering on the edge of implosion, not because of one of the any number of other, more substantive offences they might’ve been convicted for, but for internet cluelessness.

Meanwhile the traditional political media are off with the fairies, self-obsessing (as is their wont) about the way Smeargate illustrates their own imminent demise -“Why wasn’t I in the loop? Why was I scooped by a blog? Oh shit, will I have a job tomorrow? I’d better get a blog…” – rather than using their leverage as the fourth estate to help oust a dangerously incompetent and deceitful government that those of all political persuasions loathe.

No help there then.

And public trust in government, the police and in civic life in general continues to erode almost to invisibility. The authorities are scared shitless of public anger.

Declaring a Civil Contingency event looms. But hey, that’s just civic society falling apart as a result of Chicago School economic policies, as filtered through Brownian endogenous bloody growth theory. Brutality’s a feature not a bug.

Pity the decent left. They’re in a terrible fix – wanting nothing more than to get rid of this shower of incompetents, not least for their own political ambition, but reluctant to let go of a jot or a tittle of power despite recognising their party’s government is a shambles. They surely must recognise that they’re first up against the wall when it all goes to shit. After all, they’re party members too, they enabled these people. But no, they still think they can recover a shred of credibility, hence the mass outbreak of humility this morning.

We see and hear a trio of Blairites making ‘I are serious elder statesman’ expressions at the media and condemning this dreadful, shocking behaviour in outraged and unimpeachably moral chapel elder tones. Frank Field’s spreading oleaginous humility – it’s the best butter- on his blog just to pound home the point that it wasn’t us, guv, it was those nasty Brownites, and Alex Hilton written a condemnation cum mea culpa for The Scotsman:

Politics is the means by which a country is run and good politics means a country is run well.

But politics is also the name of a silly game played by silly boys in the Westminster bubble.

It’s a fun game, I fully admit, and sometimes it just has to be played. But when playing a game is your ambition and your daily motivation, it’s time to grow up.

Mr McBride and Mr Draper suffered from being in the Westminster bubble where all they saw was the game; where a lie here or a smear there are just bishops and rooks on a chessboard.

Somehow they had lost sight of that other politics – that which is concerned only with delivering a secure, fulfilling and sustainable society for its citizens.

Pass me the sick bag, mother.

I know many Labour figures who shun these silly games. There are many more who, like me, enjoy playing a game from time to time but who don’t let it get in the way of more noble, long-term objectives. But this week, until this embarrassment dies down, every single one of us will look like a duplicitous, power-mad fool.

If Labour party members are still able to believe that despite everything they’ve done, every illegal war, every torture, every police murder, every fake enquiry, that Labour has any right or mandate to govern Britain, the ‘decent left’ are duplicitous power mad fools.

No matter how bloody ‘umble.

It’s Out There


I’ve had a think about the No 10 email smear affair, aka Emailgate, since yesterday’s post. What I must remember not to forget as I get carried away with loathing Labour is what really matters is that the scurrilous gossip about the Tories and their family members is out there now. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it’s in the public domain.

Wasn’t that worth the loss of a special adviser who’s undoubtedly still on the PM’s contact list and who’ll surely find a comfy job in a convenient thinktank right up the street anyway?

Job done thinks No. 10; so far for Brown the positives outweigh the negatives. So far. Like many my first google yesterday was to find out what the allegations against the Tories were and it was the allegations that occupied the headlines all day.The machinations behind the scenes in Downing St, although reported, were paid secondary attention, but things are changing. Even the normally slavishly loyal Jackie Ashley of the Guardian is fingering Gordon as guilty.

Although we’ve seen at least one of Labour’s buttmonkey wannabes, Damien McBride go down over Emailgate (he says resigned, Gordo says fired), yet the man who’s chosen to surround himself with a troop of viciously loyal simian spinners still denies it has anything to do with him.

The whole reason McBride was employed at public expense and for political purposes was to destabilise the opposition with lies, mislead the media and divert attention from Gordo’s own flaming red monkey butt. Gordon Brown still denies all knowledge and as usual, responsibility for McBride, although McBride has been his poo-flinger in chief since forever :

He caught Gordon Brown’s eye in 2000 as the official responsible for leading the Treasury’s response to the first wave of fuel protests. According to one insider: ‘His hardline stance impressed Brown because he eventually stared out the truckers and forced them to capitulate.’


McBride took over from Ian Austin as Gordon Brown’s adviser on political press issues after the 2005 General Election.

Despite having to be replaced at one point he saw off his rival and continued poo-flinging for Gordo. Here’s a more polite sample of McBride’s output:

I just wish for once you’d try to get past your cynical, Tory, halfwit Harold Lloyd schtick to try and be a genuine journalist.’ read Damian McBride’s text message to the outgoing chief political correspondent of The Times.

‘It’s presumably cos of your inability to do so that you’re off to earn a crust at some Tory think-tank instead. Pathetic.’

Brown liked McBride and his methods so much he put McBride in charge of his wife Sarah Brown’s personal PR. How’s that working out for you Mrs Brown?

‘Journalists who then found themselves walking beside Mrs Brown struggled to avoid being tripped up as party members muscled in, trying to form a protective phalanx.

Then came the most extraordinary piece of control freakery of the day. “I want you guys on the green,” said the man from the Labour Party. “There will be six or seven guys with guns who will keep you away from her. You may be shot and then it won’t be my problem.”

It’s not as though the PM or other Labour ministers can claim that they don’t know their responsibility for ‘rogue’ advisors, either; in 2007, Labour minister Lord Davies of Oldham confirmed that ministers must answer for the actions of their advisers, telling the House of Lords:

“The responsibility for the management and conduct of special advisers, including discipline, rests with the Minister who made the appointment. The Ministerial Code makes clear that individual Ministers will be accountable to Parliament for their actions and decisions in respect of their special advisers.”

As if. That hasn’t ever stopped them letting SpAds like McBride off the leash. The PM knows fine well what his aide was up to. When he says he didn’t know about the planned Red Rag blog or the smear campaign he’s lying. Again.

But still. It’s out there. Proper job.


Yes, that is Drapers’ proposed Red Rag blog linked to up there – there’s nothing on it yet, but it is taking (moderated) comments.

Go on, you know you want to. I did:

“Is this thing on, Dolly? No?

Ah well, I suppose you can always use it for selling menstrual products if the politics and psychotherapy don’t work out and your famous wife dumps you.”

Such larks.

Save Us From Dr Evil, Super Wario!

It’s Monday morning. Bleh. Who’s got the energy to bone up on why it is the Americans are having conniption fits re N. Korea, just so’s to be able to look knowledgable to your workmates in the coffee break, or even just to make sense of that burbling on the radio?

To save you the trouble of googling, and because I’m nice like that, here’s a handy 2 minute summation, Super Mario style:

It’s a bit of a quandary for the UN security council when people don’t comply with international treaties, isn’t it? And now Kim the younger’s got space capability too.

Mind you, there is an upside to this ‘immediate threat to the international order’ -a Dr Evil with nukes against whom world leaders can unite to mutual political and economic advantage is the very thing to divert attention from the collapse of a global economy nobody seems able to fix.

Taibbi takes AIG crybaby Jake DeSantis to the cleaners

Matt Taibbi has no patience with the public whine session Jake DeSantis engaged in in the NYT.

DeSantis has a few major points. They include: 1) I had nothing to do with my boss Joe Cassano’s toxic credit default swaps portfolio, and only a handful of people in our unit did; 2) I didn’t even know anything about them; 3) I could have left AIG for a better job several times last year; 4) but I didn’t, staying out of a sense of duty to my poor, beleaguered firm, only to find out in the end that; 5) I would be betrayed by AIG senior management, who promised we would be rewarded for staying, but then went back on their word when they folded in highly cowardly fashion in the face of an angry and stupid populist mob.

I have a few responses to those points. They are 1) Bullshit; 2) bullshit; 3) bullshit, plus of course; 4) bullshit. Lastly, there is 5) Boo-Fucking-Hoo. You dog.


Also, there’s this: let’s just say, Jake, that you’re telling the truth, that you don’t know anything about this toxic portfolio. If that’s the case, then why the fuck does anyone need to retain you at an exorbitant salary to help unwind that very portfolio? If these transactions aren’t and never were your expertise, then where the hell is your value here?


I mean, half of Wall Street is unemployed right now. There are plenty of unemployed traders out there whose resumes don’t include such entries as “Worked for years at small unit of AIG that helped destroy the universe; throughout that time was completely ignorant of burgeoning global disaster unfolding 5 feet from my desk.”

The idea that other companies would be so eager to pass over the seas of truly innocent available people in order to scoop up some still-employed veteran of AIGFP — and that they would be so enthusiastic in their pursuit of said AIGFP employees that AIG would need to pay those AIGFP folks million-plus retention bonuses to get them to stay — is so ludicrous it almost defies comment.

Another candidate for the Argentine solution. But DeSantis whining about losing his bonus is understandable, but why the hell the New York Times found it necessary to print his sniffles, isn’t. sure, it’s always been the newspaper of the vested interests, but this blatantly?