Not The Justice League of America

The sooner Democratic supporters get that through their heads the better.

Democrats ?Justice League of America

You’d think, wouldn’t you, that after the warcrimes of Iraq and Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, after the warrantless wiretapping of its own citizens, and the theft of an election, that the congressional Democrats would be taking a long, hard look at any candidate for Attorney General that Bush might’ve nominated. A reasonable person might consider that the very fact that Bush, a known criminal and liar, nominated him or her should be sufficient to put a confirmation on indefinite hold.

You’d be wrong.

This is the man, Michael Mukasey, that the Democrats have agreed is a fit person to be potentially in charge of of the impartial administration of federal justice and to be the arbiter of the legality of all executive actions:the judge who took away habeas corpus.

Dealing with terrorists

“Michael Mukasey was the chief judge of U.S. District Court in Manhattan from 1987 thru 2006. President Reagan appointed him to the bench. He was the judge of the 1995 trial of 10 militant Muslims who were convicted of a plot to blow up the United Nations and other landmarks around the city. He should be better known however as the first judge to rule on Jose Padilla after his arrest. He ruled that President Bush did have the authority to hold Mr. Padilla as an enemy combatant without charging him for a crime.[4] But he also ruled that the government must allow Mr. Padilla to see his attorneys.

Supports torture

In October 2001, Judge Mukasey “dismissed concerns by a 21-year old Jordanian immigrant that he had been beaten while in U.S. custody, leaving bruises that were hidden beneath his orange prison jumpsuit.”[8] “‘As far as the claim that he was beaten, I will tell you that he looks fine to me,’ said Judge Mukasey.”[9]

Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff reported in the October 1, 2007, issue[10] “that in recent private meetings with ‘hard-liners,’ Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey reassured conservatives that he was committed to the Bush administration’s right-wing ideology:

“According to three sources, who asked not to be named discussing the private meetings, Mukasey said that he saw ‘significant problems’ with shutting down Guantánamo Bay and that he understood the need for the CIA to use some ‘enhanced’ interrogation techniques against Qaeda suspects. Mukasey also signaled reluctance with naming a special prosecutor to investigate Bush-administration misconduct, according to one participant.”[11]

“Terror trials hurt the nation even when they lead to convictions.”

In an August 22, 2007, Wall Street Journal op-ed, Mukasey[12] “argues that ‘Terror trials hurt the nation even when they lead to convictions’,” ArgusRun wrote in The Daily Kos.[13] “Not because they involve detainees who have been tortured or mistreated, or secret information not available to the defense. No, this respected jurist does not care about the damage done to the rule of law or our constitutional protections. Rather, he is terrified that the trials give valuable information to the terrorists.”

“Mukasey is obviously just what the Justice Department needs to restore Americans’ confidence in their legal system: A judge who does not have confidence in our legal system,” Argus Run commented.[13]

Defended Patriot Act

“In a 2004 speech accepting the Learned Hand Medal for Excellence in Federal Jurisprudence, Judge Mukasey delivered a defense of the controversial counter-terrorism law.[14]

“I think one would have to concede that the USA Patriot Act has an awkward, even Orwellian, name, which is one of those Washington acronyms derived by calling the law ‘Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Interrupt and Obstruct Terrorism.’ You get the impression they started with the acronym first, and then offered a $50 savings bond to whoever could come up with a name to fit. Without offering my view on any case or controversy, current or future, I think that that awkward name may very well be the worst thing about the statute.”


Joined at the hip with Giuliani
Battling crime in New York

Michael Mukasey was “an assistant U.S. attorney and head of the official corruption unit” when Rudolph W. Giuliani was U.S. Attorney in New York. “To prepare for trials, Giuliani practiced his cross-examinations on Mukasey, who would portray the witness.”[15]

In 1985, when Mukasey was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Giuliani “was coming under intense criticism for his aggressive tactics in prosecuting organized crime, including his use of mass trials, his habit of holding defendants without bail and his practice of subpoenaing defense lawyers to testify at their clients’ grand jury hearings, which lawyers argued was a violation of client confidentiality.

“Springing to Giuliani’s defense was a former colleague, Michael B. Mukasey, who argued in a strongly worded opinion piece that Giuliani’s tough tactics were justified to defeat an enemy that, he said, was far more dangerous and powerful than Giuliani’s critics were willing to acknowledge,” Alec MacGillis reported September 18, 2007, in the Washington Post.[16]


Swore Giuliani in as NYC Mayor

On January 2, 1994, Judge Michael Mukasy swore in now Republican 2008 presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani as Mayor of New York City.[17]

“When Giuliani was elected mayor of New York in 1993 and 1997, Judge Mukasey presided at his friend’s swearing-in. In fact, one of the ceremonies was held at Mukasey’s own Manhattan apartment.”[15]


Justice Advisory Committee

Michael Mukasey and his son, Marc L. Mukasey (see below),[18] both partners (Michael prior, Mark current) in Giuliani’s law firm, are both members of Giuliani’s Justice Advisory Committee.[19][20]

There’s more, much more…

Those who want actual change in America aren’t going to find it via any Democrat.

Either Dems’ve been pressured (it’s not just hippies get wiretapped) or they really do not give a shit anymore for anything except short-term political self-interest or they’ve just gone “Oh, it’s only another 15 months, what the hell, saves hassle”. Any one of those reasons is enough to prove they’ve totally abdicated their responsibility to their country.

An electorate that allows their Democratic representatives to continue to cave in to Bush and the far-right, over and over again, and who then continue to donate to and vote for them, deserves everything it gets as a consequence. America was a great political experiment, once. It’s very sad to anyone who believes in liberty and equality to see it fall apart like this.

Thugs for life

A sixteen year old girl got her wrist broken by security thugs after she spilled some birthday cake on the school floor:

A sixteen year old girl being assaulted by a thug dressed up as a security guard

The girl, Pleajhai Mervin, told Fox News LA that she was bumped while queuing for lunch and dropped the cake. After being ordered to clean it up and then re-clean the spot three times, she attempted to leave the area out of embarrassment but was jumped on by security who forced her onto a table, breaking her wrist in the process.

Pleajhai also says that the security guard in the picture yelled “hold still nappy-head” at her, which at the time she did not know was a racist comment.

And who says school can’t teach you anything? A whole new racial slur and all it took was a broken wrist. But wait, that’s not all. Here’s what happened when her mother complained, lawyer in tow:

In an even more shocking development the security guards later had the mother of the girl arrested after she sought out an attorney and demanded that the guard be arrested, telling her that if she wanted the guard detained then she herself would also be charged with battery after she allegedly pushed the guard and an assistant principal of the school. She has also been suspended from her job at another school in the county.

The school expelled Pleajhai for five days before then having her arrested for battery and for littering (the dropping of the cake). Then they had the pupil who captured the video arrested along with his sister who was merely present at the scene.

Yes, there’s video, from the local Fox affliate here and here. So of course they arrested the student who videoed their assault, for making them look bad.

Meanwhile Knight High School has attempted some damage limitation, by spreading the story that the assault was the result of a food fight, as seen e.g. in news item from abc7. As if that would justify this assault, not that it’s true. The Knight High School (37423 70th Street East ? Palmdale, CA 93552 ? (661)533-9000 if you want to congratulate them on their security) must be hoping that smearing the victim will get them off the hook; unfortunately previous experiences have shown me that for a lot of people it does. If there’s even the smallest possibility that the victim of an assault by authority figures has “done something” to “provoke” the attack, no matter how ridiculous, it’s enough for some people to blame the victim. We saw the same happen with Andrew Meyer, where people laughed as he was tasered, so we’ll definately see this now the victim is female and Black.

Once Is An Accident, Twice Is Coincidence, Three Times Is Enemy Action

Once Is An Accident, Twice Is Coincidence, Three Times Is Enemy Action

Oops. Looks like T Rex of Firedoglake has put his massively clawed prehistoric foot in it again following an ill-advised post from fellow contributor Pachacutec.

Normally I wouldn’t bother with FDL or contributor TRex, not after the last time. I haven’t read FDL since the his gratuitous insult of blogger Lisa at Culture Kitchen. I’m a big fan of energetic vituperation but that was just unpleasant.

I’d already been cooling towards the blog although they did fantastic work on Plamegate, but for some time it’s been becoming a magnet for drooling fanboys and girls. The comments are becoming a stew of self-referential high-school types who tend to pile on at any sign of criticism of their idols. Who needs it?

Feh. Don’t like it, don’t go there and I don’t. Simple.

But Tom Watson has been reading FDL and he’s not happy with the tenor of some of FDL’s more recent prose, particularly this from Pachacutec, seeing it as part of the wider issue of misogynystic language and attitudes on the left:

Anti-Feminism on the Left III

Do Jane Hamsher and Christy Hardin Smith have conservative operatives in their midst? Has FireDogLake – arguably a top five liberal group blog – been infiltrated by dirty tricks squads of the right? More directly, does FDL blogger Pachacutec work for Karl Rove?

I ask because of the reckless, misogynist post that appeared this morning in my regular blogroll (I’m a big FDL fan, most of the time) about Democratic Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher of California. Tauscher is a so-called Blue Dog Democrat, a centrist type who has often voted with the Republicans on military issues. She may well be due a primary from the left in her district in San Francisco’s progressive suburbs. But she is certainly not due a vicious attack on her gender, dressed up as “snark” by a leading liberal blog. Here’s the slime, headlined ” FDL Late Nite: Whore, n., 1. A prostitute. . .”

You know, sometimes I’m an old fashioned sort. I can appreciate tradition. I certainly believe in hard work, and positively adore the craft of genuine professionalism.

In that spirit, I bring you an underappreciated practitioner of the world’s oldest profession, a woman in congress Congress, Ellen Tauscher. She can slurp the gnarly nub of power with the very best, gamely grinning to the gushing finish: a working girl’s working girl. Howie calls her, “a bribe-taking corporate whore and shit eater who has guaranteed herself a nasty primary in 2008.”

I hope Peter Daou is reading this, because his boss may well have to face this kind of sexist attack beginning next year. It’s so bad, so poorly executed, that it really does appear to be a clumsy Republican efforts to pollute a top Democratic blog. These posts are permanent, folks. They give aid and comfort to the other side. They make our side look surly, sexist, hypocritical.

To put is [sic] another way: are you stupid? Or just insane?


But in a world where a hero like Mukhtar Mai of Pakistan overcomes court-ordered gang rape and a corrupt regime to help educate the children of her attackers, we kid ourselves that we’re advanced enough, cool enough, hip enough, or evolved enough to throw around this low-brow gender-based garbage and think it won’t stick – to us, to the left, to the Democrats, to our candidates, to our movement.

Tom’s post is one of a series of three (one and two) examining the innate sexism that is apparent on so many left-wing blogs, not all of them run by men, attitudes which are even more apparent amongst supposedly sophisticated, allegedly liberal media types, many of them women.

Obligatory mea culpa: I’m as guilty as the next person of intemperate language but I will never apologise for that unless its shown to be factually unjustified. I wouldn’t expect any other self-respecting blogger to do otherwise. As a political woman who self-identifies as feminist I try to be sensitive (and, as I’ve been told by a number of mysogynistic pricks, even hypersensitive) to the underlying implications and subtexts of language, particularly in the way language reinforces the continuing negative position of women in the world.

But and this is a big but, there are times when only certain insults will do – I certainly understand that. Even so, there is a line between entertaining invective and the outright sexist garbage Pachacutec produced. What are possibly entirely justified criticisms of Tauscher on the issues got lost in the spew of language. He might’ve got away with it too, if he’d actually been funny. There’re are lot of sexists on the left who get away with it only because of that.

That said, I’ve noticed there is a terribly self-congratulatory and particularly male strain on the broad left that assumes that if they publicly profess to be a Progressive (‘liberal’ is so passe now) the act of having done so washes all their antifeminist sins away now and forever after. Just like the Born-Agains they affect to despise, by virtue of this public self-anointment as ‘progressive’ they feel forever exempt from any further self-examination. Hey presto, you’re a Progressive! All you have to do is say so, loudly and often.

No need, now, to question your own attitudes, no need for any more of that boring stuff. It’s hard work. Just say you’re progressive and anything you do or say is fine.

But progressive is as progressive does and reacting like this when challenged, politely, on some assumptions about one’s own sexist attitudes is not what I’d call progressive, not at all. Scabrous wit is one thing, you can get away with a lot if you say it cleverly enough. But crude sexist insult is another thing and speaks more of the writer’s own insecurities:

UPDATE II: The grown-ups at FDL have been busy. The C-word has been edited out of the post.”

That was my decision, Tom. I decided I would rather refer to Miss Ingraham as a Bitch Troll from Hell.

You, on the other hand, are a miserable little cunt.

Posted by: TRex Nov 27, 2006 7:25:23 PM

Someone doesn’t like being challenged.

You can say anything you like, but if you don’t do it it means nothing. All these smug, supposedly progressive men resting on their laurels while displaying antifeminist attitudes worthy of any freeping wingnut; it’s the same essential hollowness that’s at the heart of American evangelical Christianity. It’s all shows of piety, public professions of faith and no works.

US and UK politics both show this tendency written large. Everyone wants a party to represent their particular views, but too many want it like any tv-advertised commodity, instantly and with no visible sign of the boring machinery that got it there. They don’t actually want to have to do anything. They vote for the left (well, some do), don’t they? Isn’t that enough?

Nope, it’s not. Political activism, like patriarchy, starts at home and it means we have to consider everything we do or say, at home at work, wherever, in the light of our principles. What’s the point otherwise? You can talk a good fight all you want but if you don’t do it, or at least try to – even in your domestic life, on your blog, with your kids – it means nothing. That old saying, think globally, act locally has become such a cliche but it’s never been more pertinent.

[BTW, I recommend the comments thread on Tom’s post for the full flavour of FDL fandom in full flow]

Read more: US Politics, Blogs, Blogging, Feminism, Progressives, Language

Bwahahaha! Hoist. By. Own. Petard


Hilzoy at Obsidian Wings:

John Hinderaker: Placing Children At Risk?

by hilzoy

John Hinderaker suggests that Democrats covered up Congressman Mark Foley’s boy problem, a charge for which there is no evidence. One wonders, though, whether that is exactly what John Hinderaker did.

How did the email and instant messages that triggered the scandal come to light? It has been reported that at least one set of emails became public after they were sent to “a registered Republican” — a phrase that surely describes John Hinderaker. But when did that happen? The messages themselves are three years old. When did John Hinderaker find out about them? Did he sit on them for a while, in order to prevent them from coming out in time to influence the Presidential election, or to preserve a Republican Congressional majority?

I don’t know the answers to these questions, but they are important and need to be answered. If John Hinderaker has known for some time about Foley’s transgressions but failed to act until now, he endangered more boys–and why? Solely to advance his partisan political interests.

One would hope that the Ethics Committee will subpoena the reporters who broke the Foley story to find out where they got their information, and when. The question to be answered is, What did John Hinderaker know, and when did he know it?

Is it possible that John Hinderaker deliberately delayed disclosure of Foley’s transgressions, thereby endangering the security of current Congressional pages and other teenage boys, solely to advance the political interests of his allies? One would certainly hope not. But it is obviously a question that needs to be investigated and answered.

I also wonder: could John Hinderaker be the anthrax killer? Has he ever denied it, or agreed to take a polygraph? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but they are important. Inquiring minds would like to know the answers.

Some might also say that John Hinderaker is a torture-loving disgrace to our common humanity and flays kittens for sport. I couldn’t possibly comment.

Read more: Wingnuttia, Foleygate, Blogs, Snark