The world is crumbly and filled with cream

Thomas “I making millions telling the rest of you stupid little stories about globalisation and why that means you should embrace your job going to India” Friedman gets pied:

Pieing someone like Friedman is usually portrayed as being childish, but as Ogged says: “The real appeal of something like this is that moment where the public mask drops, and you see a silly flailing man“. If done right it momentarily destroys the authority and unearned legitimacy of such public figures, gives them a little bit of payback for the years of shouting at the telly or newspaper they inflicted on us.

Your Friday Kitty Video Ration

Ever wondered who’d be the victor in a kitten v Dalek encounter? Well, now you know:

Some cats like to be spread with peanut butter and licked by dogs. Go figure.

Some cats are just bone idle. Are you quite sure you’re sitting comfortably, fatcat?

This cat seems to be channelling Maria Callas:

Flushing the toilet for hours of endless entertainment:

Speaking of toilet matters, here’s how to untangle your iPod headphones using only a cat, a bowl, a can of kitttynosh and a small aubergine…

[No, it’s not real, but it is damned funny]

Bonus clips: even more cats, this time with some unlikely friends.

The cat that’s BFF with a tigercub:

The kitten raised by a motherly crow:

One magpie, seven cats…. believe it or not they all survived.

Bonus bonus clip: Especially for Martin, it’s peanut butter kitty time!

That is all. Go in peace and have a nice weekend.