IDF looting

So when the IDF went searching the West Bank for the three Israeli teenages it already knew were dead, it managed to steal at least $3 million from the homes and businesses it searched:

Ramallah- During the course of Israel’s three-week campaign of mass arrests in the West Bank, ostensibly to search for the killers of three settlers, the Israeli military and police conducted an average of 18 raids per day into Palestinian homes, charities and businesses, stealing cash and property worth an estimated $3 million, documents a new report from the Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights.

The full report (PDF).

“Why the world hate Israel?” the soldier whispered.

An Israeli soldier asks Paul Mason why the world hates Israel.

It was the second conversation of the day along the same lines: the guy who issued my press pass made the same points to me as the soldier: that “we don’t target civilians” and that Hamas’ infrastructure hides within civilian homes, hospitals etc.

To anybody who’s been anywhere near a military staff college, or an international law course, there is an obvious missing point in these justifications: soldiers, and their commanders, also have a duty to take precautions against killing civilians.

Not taking those precautions can be just as criminal as getting a rocket and firing it indiscriminately towards civilian areas as Hamas is doing.

In previous conflicts, even during Operation Cast Lead only six years ago, Israel was largely able to control the media picture of their warwaging, with arguments like those cited above. Even with bloggers and other new media channels hostile to their intepretation, the public still had to seek out those. Now though, with Twitter and less so, Facebook, the real facts of the war get shoved in your face and Israeli propaganda can’t compete with pictures of children killed by IDF strikes and can no longer control what’s being told about the war:

Reporting goes through an editing process; things that don’t conform to editorial policy can be weeded out; facts have to be cross-checked with other facts and claims. The reporting team itself – producer, reporter, camera crew, translator for TV – form an initial filter. But in Gaza, there is no filter; plus you are now getting camera crews and off-screen TV journalists tweeting. On newspapers, several different reporters will be tweeting, rather than it all going into the editorial machine and coming out as one thing.

But what I wonder how much it does matter that so many more ordinary people get to know something of the truth of Israel’s warcrimes when our own elites and the media are still reflexivily pro-Israel. We’ve seen what happened with the War on Iraq, where the public was opposed but they were in favour of the war.

Silly Palestinians, this isn’t about you

So, presidental candidate Mitt Romney has been on a whirlwind foreign tour making incredibly stupid and offensive remarks, the latest of which blamed the Palestinian mentality for not doing as well as Israel, economy wise:

Palestinian leaders expressed offence and outrage at comments by Mitt Romney during his lightning visit to Israel, in which he said the Jewish state’s economic success compared with its Palestinian neighbours was due to “cultural” differences and the “hand of providence”, and declared Jerusalem to be “the capital of Israel”.

The presumptive Republican candidate in the the US presidential race told a $25,000-a-head (£16,000) fundraising event in Jerusalem: “As I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognise the power of at least culture and a few other things.”

He cited a climate of innovation, the Jewish history of thriving in adversity, and the “hand of providence”.

Anybody with even a casual grasp of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict knows how wrong or offensive this is, nor should his nominal Israeli audience be flattered by nonsense like this; they know the truth. But of course it’s neither aimed at them or the Palestinians: this is for the know-nothings at home, who know for sure Israel is the eternally innocent victim of Palestian malice, that if only the latter renounced their evil, antisemitic, terroristic ways and recognised Israel’s right to exist, they too could become wealthy. Even Romney himself knows that what he was saying was twaddle, but he forced himself to believe it because that’s what it takes to please the Republican base these days. You can’t get away with just mouthing the right shibboleths, you have to believe them.

Why a two state solution will fail

A map of the West Bank Palestinian territories re-imagined as an archipelo

What would the Palestinian controlled territories on the West Bank look like if completely isolated from the rest of the West Bank? That’s what Julien Bousac wanted to show with the above map, of the Palestinian territories as a group of islands:

Mr Boussac took advantage of the resulting archipelago effect “to use typical tourist maps codes (mainly icons) to sharpen the contrast between the fantasies raised by seemingly paradise-like islands and the Palestinian Territories grim reality.” The map does have a strong vacationy vibe to it – but whether that is because of the archipelago-shaped subject matter, or due to the cheerful colour scheme is a matter for debate.

It shows how much the reality differs from what politicians imagine when they blithly talk about a Palestinian controlled West Bank. It also shows how unrealistic the idea of a two state solution is. The only really coherent piece of land that the Palestinians possess is Gaza and that can be turned into a huge open air prison by the IDF at will. Instead, what needs to happen is to recreate Israel and Palestina as a true democratic state no longer based on Apartheid ideals.

(Via Vuijlsteke.)