It would explains so much

Not sure how reliable this interview with a hedge fund manager (Found at Ken’s) is, but it has one of the more funny and scary explanations of how the whole stock marker went to the shitter:

People actually call it “black box trading,” because sometimes you don’t even know why the black box is doing what it’s doing, because the whole idea is that if you could, you should be doing it yourself. But it’s something that’s done on such a big scale, a universe of several thousand stocks, that a human brain can’t do it in real time. The problem is that the DNA of a lot of these models is very, very similar, it’s like an ecosystem with no biodiversity because most of the people who do stat-arb can trace their lineage, their intellectual lineage, back to four or five guys who really started the whole black box trading discipline in the ’70s and ’80s. And what happened is, in August, a few of these funds that have big black box trading books suffered losses in other businesses and they decided to reduce risk, so they basically dialed down the black box system. So the black box system started unwinding its positions, and every black box is so similar that everybody was kind of long the same stocks and short the same stocks. So when one fund starts selling off its longs and buying back its shorts, that causes losses for the next black box and the people who run that black box say, “Oh gosh! I’m losing a lot more money than I thought I could. My risk model is no longer relevant; let me turn down my black box.” And basically what you had was an avalanche where everybody’s black box is being shut off, causing incredibly bizarre behavior in the market.

Oh, Good Grief

MoD loses data of 600,000 would-be recruits
By Robert Winnett, Deputy Political Editor

Last Updated: 9:03pm GMT 18/01/2008

The personal details of 600,000 people interested in joining Britain’s armed forces have been lost after a laptop belonging to a Royal Navy officer was stolen, the Ministry of Defence disclosed tonight.

It is the latest extraordinary data loss incident involving a Government department and potentially the most serious as recruits to the armed forces are targets for terrorists.


Democrats Kill Open Wifi, Shoot Selves In Feet Again

I’m not sure that House Democrats really thought this through:

House vote on illegal images sweeps in Wi-Fi, Web sites

Posted by Declan McCullagh

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a bill saying that anyone offering an open Wi-Fi connection to the public must report illegal images including “obscene” cartoons and drawings–or face fines of up to $300,000.

That broad definition would cover individuals, coffee shops, libraries, hotels, and even some government agencies that provide Wi-Fi. It also sweeps in social-networking sites, domain name registrars, Internet service providers, and e-mail service providers such as Hotmail and Gmail, and it may require that the complete contents of the user’s account be retained for subsequent police inspection.

[My emphasis]

I’ve seen some stupid legislation but if that doesn’t beat all…and guess what for once its wasn’t the wingnuts, it was the Democrats wot done it:

Wednesday’s vote caught Internet companies by surprise: the Democratic leadership rushed the SAFE Act to the floor under a procedure that’s supposed to be reserved for noncontroversial legislation. It was introduced October 10, but has never received even one hearing or committee vote. In addition, the legislation approved this week has changed substantially since the earlier version and was not available for public review. .

Read more…

They did what? If it gets to a full vote and becomes law it’ll cause chaos. How stupid is this? And why did the Democrats rush this silly bill through with such unseemly haste?

Could it be they’re trying to pose as tough on kiddy-porn and general undefined obscenity, so as to appeal to the security mom and evangelist vote?

Comment of the Day: Alex on “The Biggest Data Fart In The World Ever”

Alex is driven round the bend by New Labour’s excuses for not depersonalising the data on the discs what they lost:

You what? Too costly? How? Oh, right, it’s the old standby – “there’s a contract“. We can’t find you the plates for your flak jacket/diagnose your cancer within less than three months/type SELECT (names, addresses) FROM families WHERE child=Yes rather than SELECT * FROM families because there’s a contract.

So how does it work? Do they have a little taxi meter on their desks that increments every time they issue a database query? How much is Crapita or Siemens or whoever charging them per SQL statement?

So it looks like it wasn’t some junior consultant doing a dump of the entire database and bunging it on a cd on their own initiative, but semi-official policy to do so whenever an e-mail that looks like it’s from the National Audit Office arrives. It may have been against official guidelines, but when the system allows you to do this and it’s seemingly impossible to even do anything but dump the entire database because it would cost too much otherwise, guidelines are just lies on paper.

So anyway, looking at it from an IT security point of view, we see a fair few weak spots that cannot be solved by “spot checks” or “guidelines”. Just the fact that it’s possible to get a dump from the entire database and that even junior employees can do it is bad enough, but worse is the fact that the NAO thinks it’s a good idea to audit databases by requesting such a dump rather than inspecting them directly.