I Can Has LOL Trek?

What would a lolcat watch if it had tv? Yup, tribbles! Live Granades:


…I quickly realized that there are no long-form lolcat works. The closest is Spatch’s wonderful Cat Town, and it’s only a relative to lolcats. That set my fevered brain to spinning: what would a lolcat story look like? What if lolcats had a TV channel? What kind of shows would be on it?

The answer is clear: they would show Star Trek.

Read the whole tribble Trek episode in lolpidgin here.


Oh noes! LOLPrez! From comments to the above:

Linky Linky

I’m still not feeling very well still so here’s a bunch of interesting stuff to be going on with till I feel up to ranting at the world in my usual misanthropic way.

Just when you though the lolcats were over…. LOLBEES!

I can has royle jelli?

Food politics: is your butter-flavoured popcorn killing workers?

Hah. Wolfowitz guilty of ethics breach says World Bank panel

BOOM! Big bada-boom!

Brightest supernova evar: The brightest stellar explosion ever recorded may be a long-sought new type of supernova, according to observations by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ground-based optical telescopes. This discovery indicates that violent explosions of extremely massive stars were relatively common in the early universe, and that a similar explosion may be ready to go off in our own Galaxy.

And while we’re on the subject of space; octogenarian astronomer and wingnut Sir Patrick Moore proves age is no bar to mysognynistic assholery, in the Telegraph:

On the subject of female newsreaders, he said: “These jokey women are not for me. Oh, for the good old days. “There was one day (in 2005) when BBC News went on strike. Then we had the headlines read by a man, talking the Queen’s English, reading the news impeccably. “I would like to see two independent wavelengths – one controlled by women, and one for us, controlled by men. I think it may eventually happen.”

He should stick to reporting on comets and cosmology, he knows bugger-all about anything else.

Aw, poor iddle wingnuts, they got up a nice shiny drum-beatin’, war-lovin’ online petition, with like, Instapundit and all, and those pesky liberals immediately came along and pissed on their bonfire. Until the lone alert winger on duty noticed and yanked the page of fictitious petition-supporting blogs much hilarity ensued,. Petty but fun. I wish there really were a blog called Grabthar’s Krauthammer.

Sky-fairy spotting: Jesus on a four-gig Samsung Flash memory chip. Looks more like HELLO, I”M BRIAN BLESSED! to me.

Shorter Times columnist Minette Marin – “Oh no, the Morlocks are coming!” In Blair’s ruinous legacy of beta children a posh Tory totty holds forth on those dreadful state school children. Why, the chav might rub off on Theo or Poppy, and that would never do! Cameron may be photogenic and’ve done well at the local elections but the Tories haven’t changed a bit, every one’s a Hyacinth Bucket.

Robbery is the mother of invention:Johannesburg robbers superglue naked man to exercise bike

Mitt Romney’s Guide To Europe: sounds about right to me, at least where provinicial NL’s concerned:

Page 76:
The Netherlands, Deventer –
The purple pipeweed is good and the ladies are babalicious at Garth’s Party On Cafe.

Bibliodyssey is like candy for the booklover – you can’t stop till you’ve eaten the whole bag. Here’s one of the illustrative plates of squid from the book The Voyages of the Corvette L’Astrolabe

Bibliodyssey, The Corvette L'Astrolabe

Don’t start looking unless you’re willing to give up the rest of the day. Fantastic.

Bigots 1, CBS 0.

“You Get His Ankles, I’ll Get His Knees…”

How to stop annoying junk mail – get a cat:

Rain, sleet or snow cannot stop mail delivery, but house cat does

Neither rain, sleet nor snow can stop Canada Post’s trusted carriers from delivering the mail, but a cuddly house cat believed to be the devil in disguise seems to have done just that.

According to reports, a Winnipeg couple was refused mail delivery this week and was asked to walk four kilometers each day to pick up their letters at a local post office in the western Canadian city because their cat terrifies the mailwoman.

Canada Post spokeswoman Kathi Neal told AFP the eight-year-old black cat often sleeps underneath the front steps of the small bungalow and is “very aggressive” with the carrier when the owner is not home.

It has “growled and leapt up to try to scratch the mail carrier’s face” on three occasions in the past six months, she said. “It certainly doesn’t like people in uniform.”

“I don’t think it’s really the devil in disguise (as local newspapers have quipped in headlines), but cats can be every bit as dangerous as dogs, and are sometimes very territorial,” Neal said, indicating that Canada Post hopes to negotiate a solution with the pet owner to ensure the safety of its employees.

John Samborski, owner of Shadow the cat, reacted angrily, telling the Winnipeg Free Press: “We’re not putting our carriers at risk.”

“This is Shadow. He likes to eat and sleep and cuddle. You could drop a bomb and he’d just open one eye, take a look, then close them and go back to sleep.”

They could’ve tried changing mail-carriers – it might be only her the cat hates.

Don’t Shoot the Piano Player

You may have seen Nora the piano-playing cat already but this video is new to me:

It’s fascinating the way the cat lays its head on the keys to hear the sounds it’s making – and if you’re in any doubt that the cat’s deliberately hitting specific keys to make specific sounds watch the duet section or just turn the sound off and watch what it does. That can’t be anything but deliberate, atonal as the noise it’s making is. But then cats are atonal, so what else would you expect?

Cute as it is, though, it does get decidely irritating after a while. I’m very glad we don’t have a piano, a 3 cat concert recital at 4am is not really what we need.

(via neatorama)