Ever wondered how the fightin’ 101st keyboarders keep those beestung, pouting lips so luscious and so desirably kissable?
Here’s your answer – Cheetos lip balm.…
Even troglodyte bloggers have beauty needs.
Ever wondered how the fightin’ 101st keyboarders keep those beestung, pouting lips so luscious and so desirably kissable?
Here’s your answer – Cheetos lip balm.…
Even troglodyte bloggers have beauty needs.
Equality of opportunity for women at last! At least when it comes to police brutality that is…
There’s shocking CCTV video just published by the Guardian (also just shown on Newsnight) of 4 Sheffield police officers piling on, and beating unconscious one slight, drunk, epileptic teenage girl at the back of a nightclub then dragging her, unconscious and injured with her pants round her ankles, menaced by a snarling police dog, to a waiting van.
Oh, and did I say the girl is black?
I see a former colleague of mine, Ruggie Johnson, is getting great face time from the whole affair. Looks like Britain may finally have its very own Rodney King, though no doubt the Daily Mail and Express readers are already saying she deserved all she got.
The video is here. Link to it, spread it around: the world needs to see that the British police officer is no kindly old Midsomer Norton bobby on a bike, but a vicious paramilitary thug who’s lost all sense of his own humanity.
Who do you think it is in these northern towns that’s voting for the BNP? There may be very many dedicated officers out there, but they’re vastly outnumbered and intimidated in the lower ranks by callous racist thugs. Now Labour want to give these same thugs even more tools and weapons to herd the proles and chav scum with and to intimidate the rest of us into compliance.
Look at that video; are these the people you want walking around with potentially lethal tasers in their hands?
The spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where them boidies is…
Today I shall be mostly desperately trying to catch up with the explosion of thought-provoking posts on the aftermath and implications of the Scooter Libby guilty verdict, but not for too long becuse I’ve spent so much time recently sitting reading blogs. Now I have a sore spot, somewhere very uncivil indeed.
With that in mind I feel it prudent that I should do a lot of standing up today, so when I’ve finished this post I’ll go and get some chickenwire to block off the fence and stop the neighbourhood cats shitting in the back of the shady border and some hellebores to stop it becoming a permanent cat toilet.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for serious commentary there’s Simon Jenkins’ stinging article on the innate corruption of tonight’s House of Lords reform vote for you to read, or Digby’s “Where’s Rove?” or for a really in depth meaty read there’s TPM Muckraker‘s coverage of the growing scandal and congrssional hearings over Bushco’s attempted purge of koolaid-non-compliant federal lawyers.
Then, weather permitting, there’s some manure to dig in and some to remove and some shrubs to be shifted around (I love the way that makes our 50sq m courtyard garden sound like Kew) and some climbing roses, honeysuckle and anemone corms to be planted and lavender cuttings to be taken, all this inbetween ministering to Martin, who’s home sick, and cursing our own bloody cats for tracking mud in and out.
After that I shall mostly be knackered.
Dark Roasted Blend asks: “If the world was made out of rubber, and would stretch according to the certain parameters…” and features these incredible maps of economic and other imbalances from the Worldmapper project. Here’s the world mapped according to house prices:
For a little light relief from the all meltdown, all the time transatlantic political coverage, and heaven knows we all need it, you could do worse try that hybrid offspring of Glamour and Roll Call, Capitol Hill Barbie. :
Spring Has Not Yet Sprung – Face Forward
Just in time for my daily daydream about what it will be like when Mayor Fenty actually clears the streets of the ice, the 18 tons of rock salt currently on the ground stop crusting over my Delman flats washes away and the sun makes more than a guest starring appearance in my day…
Kiehl’s has announced that they have created a tinted moisturizer!
Yay, governments are crumbling, let’s shop!
Last but not least, the natural world -if you’re at all scared of the sea or worried about melting glaciers and inundations of ocean, don’t look now….
Imagine one those nibbling on your toes…
By the way, did you know we’ve been banned in China? That makes me very proud.We must be doing something right.
Oh and I nearly forgot: Michael Savage for Prez!
US humorist Lewis Black on being invited to host the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner, via Avedon Carol
Then there’s CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary, a tour of the US hairtrigger loony Right’s premier annual fundraising conference, from that very plucky and good-looking fella Max Blumenthal, of The Nation. Notable features are Michelle Malkin, unable to comprehend that if you have to issue an errata slip, it’s likely your work’s not exactly reliable, and David Horowitz, coming over in person as exactly as obnoxiously as one might expect.
All great fun, but it’s easy to forget when pointing and laughing at the ridiculousness of Washington and its voracious attendant suckerfish that the policies of the corporate right have real world consequences.
The last video is of Belgian firefighters in pitched street battles with the police last week: all over Europe, where the neoliberal economic policy of opening up public services to privatisation by multinational corporations like Group4, Wackenhut, Brown & Root, Serco…. the list goes on and on… is being vigorously resisted by normally peacable public servants. [Sorry about it being in German, it was the only embeddable clip I could find.]
If you’re a public servant and have ever wondered about the police’s loyalty to their fellow taxpayer-employed colleagues, wonder no longer. This is the purely market-driven world the US corporate right and their EU allies want for everyone and resistance will be met with force if necessary, as this video shows. Where public services like firefighting and justice are made subject to the rules of the free market the police will always act in their own interest and side with the highest bidder. Someone has to pay for all those nifty riot guns, paramilitary outfits, deadly anti-personnel toys and all that overtime.
For all the pious hooha that’s been spouted this past few weeks by the likes of that permatanned fraud Peter Hain and the risible John Prescott about the sanctity of William Wilberforce and the Abolition Movement they somehow failed to mention, as lenin points out, that quietly, New Labour has been repealing employment legislation thus allowing the effective reinstitution of slavery – not in some far-off, easily hidden colony this time, but on its own soil.
Slavery in the UK. posted by lenin
It seems Tom DeLay was not the only one to learn from the perfect petri dish of pure capitalism. New Labour is to abolish laws that provide the most basic protection for migrant workers. Workers who receive visas to enter domestic service are “legally entitled to leave their employer if they are abused or exploited and to receive basic protection – including the minimum wage – under UK employment law.” Now, if they are abused or mistreated by an employer, either they must suck it up or flee back to their country of origin. Even Barbara Roche, the former Home Office minister who used to put on a hideous freak show by appearing at the docks and interrogating lorry-drivers about any human cargo they might inadvertently be carrying, is alarmed: “These new proposals are a very retrograde step. Workers who suffer abuse from employers will feel absolutely alone. I can’t believe a Labour government which has taken such a firm stance against trafficking will want this to happen.” Oh, you’d be surprised, Barbara.
This comes as a recent report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found an enormous amount of slavery operating in the UK. There are said to be 10,000 gangmasters operating in the UK, who supply labour that operates under the threat of extreme physical violence to various sectors of British capital. These include everything from domestic service, where the new laws will apply, to agriculture, manufacturing, restaurant workers, food processors, care work, hotels and so on. Among these are tens of thousands of sex slaves, who include thousands of children – and not all of those children come from overseas. If you try to protest about your treatment, you “may be beaten, abused, raped, deported or even killed.”
Those of us on the anticapitalist left have long been derided as out-there hysterics when we’ve warned that the increased slavery and exploitation so apparent elsewhere is spreading to the developed world and that this is the natural outcome of the neoliberal economic polices that Blair and Brown have been pursuing.
Blindly tribal Labour supporters who still harbour the hope that Gordon Brown’s ascendance to the premiership would herald some sort of shift towards humanity and away from rapaciousness, when Brown himself willingly enables that rapaciousness is out of their tiny mind,
Just look at the money the party has just taken from private equity groups – largely unaccountable conglomerations of private money which buy take private and proceed to asset-strip other companies, They’re run by fund managers, unlike publicly regulated corporations they have no shareholders and they have little social accountability compared to public companies. Plus the Gordon Brown gives them a tax break!
Anyone who’s still with Labour despite everything, and that includes a number of people I was once was close to and thought highly of, deserves to go down with the rest of them.
Did you ever think, staunch union actvist and Labour loyalist, when you were sitting under that tree at Tolpuddle with the union banner at your feet and a cold drink in your hand, that your party would one day be the party of slavery?.
Well now it is and it’s all down to you and your blind loyalty to party over principle. Fuck you, you little Eichmanns.