Don’t Trust Your Bank Unless It’s A Piggy

Proof that the Blair government and Gordon Brown as Chancellor knew all along that the Bush administration was snooping through British citizens’ bank accounts without any due process comes via The Register.

UK Treasury knew of US hunt through British bank data
EU investigation closes in

By Mark Ballard Published Friday 16th February 2007 13:12 GMT

The Bank of England told HM Treasury about the secret US surveillance of international banking transactions as long as five years ago.

The US’s eager pursuit of terrorist financiers, begun within weeks of the 11 September attacks, involved a trawl through the world’s financial transactions through subpoenas on the firm that handles them for private banking clients – the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Communication (Swift).

European authorities, including the UK’s Information Commissioner, have since declared the US operation “illegal” and have begun to press financial institutions to put a stop to the warrantless and unprotected transfers of private banking data to the US authorities.

This programme remained a secret from privacy watchdogs – even from those people whose data was being handed over to US investigators – until the New York Times unearthed it last June. Yet HM Treasury knew about it for some years.
A spokesman for the Bank of England told The Register: “Swift told us in 2002 that it had agreed with the US subpoenas. We told Swift it should tell the government. We told HM Treasury. We felt they should know.”


But the ECB had decided not to warn “other relevant authorities” about Swift’s decision to give US authorities access to its international banking transactions because it believed its own responsibility for “professional confidentiality” among its members was more important.


HM Treasury said in a statement: “On the financial stability point/impact on business confidence, we say that there is no greater risk to the financial system that the criminal abuse of or a terrorist attack on the system.”

“As you know this is a US project, and we don’t comment on this or any other security matter,” it added.


As the ECB was reprimanded for failing to tell privacy authorities when it first learned of the Swift subpoenas, and no banking clients are thought to have known that their private financial data was, via Swift, been pawed by the US Treasury, this concession appears to indicate some progress for campaigners like Privacy International, whose complaints to watchdogs across Europe lent the EU reaction to the Swift subpoenas some vigour.

Yet it only looks good on paper, as the ECB pointed out: “Payment orders from natural persons who do not consent to the use of SWIFT will not be processed.”

So if you want to use European banking services you must acquiesce to having your private financial affairs spied on by the Bush adminsitration.They’ll carry on blithely just as they did before and say it’s OK, they have our permission because we didn’t choose not to use the banks.


This investigation meant nothing and does nothing except to tell us our supposedly democratic government is in breach of it’s own data protection regulations and our human rights – again.

It’s enough to make you start changing currency into gold and stashing it under the bed.

Tackiness is The Key

You’ll never lose your housekeys again, not with this monstrosity on the end of them.

Who the hell thought of it, and more to the point who’s buying it? Is it supposed to be some sort of portable cutesy ‘pro-life’ emblem, or is it an aide-memoire for pregnancy fetishists? Whatever it is it’s a bit sick.

The Bloody Foetus Keychain, yours for only ten dollars or fifteen bucks for two:

Be the only one on your block with this exciting keychain! The unborn fetus floats around inside of amniotic fluid, and you can shake Mom around and see all the fine details of baby. The fetus is pretty late-term, and you can see some nice details, including the umbilical cord!

Solid rubber and metal construction, so you don’t have to worry about her leaking into your pocket or your keys coming loose!


Comment of The Day

This is just… eh, there’s no words for this. Found in the comments to Amanda’s post on the routine photoshopping of female images creating yet more mpossible ideals for women to feel bad for failing to live up to, comes this utter monstrosity, a photoshop makeover service for beauty pageant tots.

What's that coming over the hill...?

That is just so fucked, if I may be so uncivil.

In Which My Compatriots Restore My Faith In Human Nature

…with these videos made by Somerfield (for USanians, equivalent more or less to Kroger) employees while the boss wasn’t looking. There’s spoof ads ( see below), extreme floor cleaner surfing and daredevil toilet-roll jumps- something for all the family – and none of it sanctioned by the health and safety bods.

I once worked briefly for Somerfield in the deli when I was a student for a princely 3.60 an hour. Iin fact most of their staff are students (and guerilla filmakers too by the looks of it). It was one of the most dismal workplaces ever.

Well done these guys for cheering it up.

I really hope they don’t get fired. It would be a PR disaster for Somerfield and their products are a PR disaster enough already. In the hierarchy of UK food retailers it’s not ranked very high: even our supermarkets adhere to the class system. The list goes (and this is IMSHO) Marks and Sparks, Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsburys. Morrisons. Co-op, Spar, Asda, Aldi and Lidl, in descending order. Maybe this’ll bump Somerfield up the list, if they show a sense of humour about it. I’m not optimistic though.

The White Stuff

Oh dear.

Make up your own jokes. I don’t think I need add anything.

Bull sperm hair treatment

A hairdresser is offering clients a new conditioning treatment made out of bull’s semen.

The 45-minute treatment costs £55 and uses semen from Aberdeen Angus bulls on a farm in Cheshire.

Hari’s, in Knightsbridge, London, combines the sperm with the root of protein-rich plant katera, reports Metro.

The mixture is massaged into the client’s hair after it has been shampooed. Then the customer is put under a steamer so the treatment penetrates the hair. Finally, it is blow-dried.

Salon owner Hari Salem said: “I have been searching for an organic product with a lot of protein because that is what hair is made of and lacks when it is dry.

“The semen is refrigerated before use and doesn’t smell. It leaves your hair looking wonderfully soft and thick.”