War By Other Means

It’s a tragic and criminal fact that where there’re modern armies there’s prostitution, child sex and human traffickingHalliburton and Dyncorp in the Balkans war being a case in point – but prosttution was never historically organised openly by the Army command structure – was it? Shadow of The Hegemon has an outraged post at what’s emerged about the US’ postwar occupation of Japan: :

The Americans Kept Comfort Women

There are times when I feel that there’s no real point to keeping one of these things up… when I look at the readership stats and think “is it really necessary”?

Then I read something like this, and remember what it really is… a place to be able to speak out, at least in some small way, and say that THIS IS INTOLERABLE.

Japan’s abhorrent practice of enslaving women to provide sex for its troops in World War II has a little-known sequel: After its surrender — with tacit approval from the U.S. occupation authorities — Japan set up a similar “comfort women” system for American GIs.

An Associated Press review of historical documents and records shows American authorities permitted the official brothel system to operate despite internal reports that women were being coerced into prostitution. The Americans also had full knowledge by then of Japan’s atrocious treatment of women in countries across Asia that it conquered during the war.

Tens of thousands of women were employed to provide cheap sex to U.S. troops until the spring of 1946, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur shut the brothels down.

The documents show the brothels were rushed into operation as American forces poured into Japan beginning in August 1945.

“Sadly, we police had to set up sexual comfort stations for the occupation troops,” recounts the official history of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Department, whose jurisdiction is just northeast of Tokyo. “The strategy was, through the special work of experienced women, to create a breakwater to protect regular women and girls.”…

And now we’re finding out that the single most egregious crime of the Imperial Japan, sexual coercion (if not out and out slavery), was enthusiastically embraced by the American occupation? That the “heroes” of the Pacific War, the lions of history, the grandfathers and great-grandfathers that all Americans look up to and venerate were lining up en masse to pay to violate some poor Japanese girl over, and over, and over again?

With the official sanction of the American occupational government?


Read more.

We hear so little about other places in the world under historic American or allied occupation protection that it’s easy to forget that US and allied troops have been stationed for many years in large numbers elsewhere than Iraq or Afghanistan. Japan, for instance. It’s easy to take no notice of what they’ve been up to there when there’s much more exciting, photogenic stuff happening elsewhere. So when what really happened comes out, no wonder people are shocked.

Read More

Drop Him Like He’s Hot

Anyone who’s claiming the the firing of beltway insiders’ favourite radio bigot Don Imus as a victory against mysogyny is deluded. He may have been canned, but all those beltway journos and sycophantic pols calling themselves liberals who’ joined in with his on-air racist and sexist bollocks are still in their jobs exercising that same ingrained bigotry in everything they do and say, even if not as explicitly as they were given licence to by Imus. Imus was the the yellow tip of a large, suppurating pustule of moral corruption.

No, this is a victory only for the forces of a corporation not wanting to be sued for libel and the desire not to have to pay out millions of bucks.

All the sudden soul-searching abouit appearing on the show by the likes of former shock-blogger Wonkette Ana Marie Cox of Time is just ass-covering from someone seeing which way the political wind is blowing and positioning herself for the new market. That doesn’t mean Imus isn’t scum and should’ve been dropped – let’s face it, when even Snoop Dogg, a self-described pimp who’s no slouch in the misogyny department himself,says in effect that you’re sexist and racist scum, I think that probably clinches it that you’re sexist and racist scum:

Snoop Dogg: Rappers’ Hos Are Different

12th April 2007 11:01:01

Snoop Dogg: Rappers’ Hos Are Different…. Rapper Snoop Dogg has dismissed comparisons between sexist hip hop lyrics and the recent racist remarks made by American radio Dj Don Imus.

Imus was suspended by Cbs Radio and Msnbc on Monday (09Apr07) after he referred to the Rutgers University women’s basketball team as ‘nappy-headed hoes’ – a racially charged sexist term.

Snoop frequently refers to women as “b**ches” and “hos” in his music, but insists Imus’ use of the term was unacceptable and the 66-year-old DJ should be taken off the air.

The Doggystyle star says, “It’s a completely different scenario, “(Rappers) are not talking about no collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports.

“We’re talking about hoes that’s in the ‘hood that ain’t doing s**t, that’s trying to get a n**ga for his money. These are two separate things.

“First of all, we ain’t no old-ass white men that sit up on Msnbc going hard on black girls.

“We are rappers that have these songs coming from our minds and our souls that are relevant to what we feel. I will not let them muthaf**kas say we are in the same league as him.

“Kick him off the air forever.”

Clever bit of spin there – not only does he manage get his licks in at Imus, but excuses his owm misogyny at the same time. Genius, of a sort, to absolve your own self while condemning someone else for the same fault. But as Joan Walsh of Salon(via Digby) puts it:

I hate the misogyny of some rap music — it’s not all misogynistic — but rappers didn’t invent sick notions of black women as sexual objects in America; those ideas have an old, old history here, going back to the days when the chains black men wore weren’t bling. As I said to Scarborough and Ridley, when we have “Snoop Dogg Country” on MSNBC, and Young Jeezy’s doing the morning drive-time show instead of Imus, then let’s talk about how rappers deserve the outrage Imus brought on himself. In my opinion, hundreds of years of the racist misogyny of white men like Imus and McGuirk are far more responsible for misogynistic rap music than the reverse. And as I type this I’m thinking, is that even up for debate? Fellas, please.

History isn’t an excuise for misogyny in rap but it does add context and meaning.

The only context of the casual hatred expressed by shock-jocks like Imus and Michael Savage, and to a lesser extent even the supposedly squeaky-clean BBC’s very own Chris Moyles, is the arrogant expression of supposed white male privilege and power.

The cult of Imus amongst beltway insiders was always, in my opinion, just so much whistling in the dark by a bunch of timid little white boys scared of a world that’s moving on without them (I hate to make yet another attack on boomers but it seems to me all these people are of a certain age…).

That advertisers dropped MSNBC of their own volition and that there was a revolt by MSNBC employees of all races against Imus’ comments supports the contention: these DJs are preaching to a smaller and smaller demographic as their target audience ages and generations coming up aren’t interested in these dinosaurs of radio and their outdated attitudes any more. They get their political news and jollies online.

Now, about Instapundit and Malkin…

Happy Families

I read this story, (typically it comes from the New York Post, which loves this kind of thing) with growing dismay and pity for two little girls who’re growing up with a pair of self-denying bigots for parents. The story speaks for itself:

The Andrews family. [video here]


March 22, 2007 —

Should a couple be entitled to sue because a fertility clinic mistakenly impregnated the woman with sperm other than her mate’s? Click ‘Discussion Board’ beneath the photo to tell us what you think.

A Park Avenue fertility clinic’s blunder has left a family devastated – after a black baby was born to a Hispanic woman and her white husband, the couple charges in a lawsuit.

The mistake, made during in-vitro conception, wasn’t discovered until Jessica Andrews was born – and it became clear she didn’t look anything like her mom, Nancy, or dad, Thomas, the suit says.

The baby’s complexion was much darker than that of her mom – a light-skinned native of the Dominican Republic – or dad.

“Jessica doesn’t look like them,” said the couple’s attorney Howard Stern, of Long Island.

When Thomas and Nancy Andrews asked their doctor, Manhattan obstetrician Martin Keltz, what was going on, he allegedly told them that Jessica’s condition was an “abnormality,” and assured them she would “get lighter over time,” according to the couple’s suit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court.


The family is so distraught that they have not even told many of their relatives about the situation. The Andrews fear the natural father may try to come forward and claim rights to the girl, the suit says.

The family is so distraught that they have not even told many of their relatives about the situation. The Andrews fear the natural father may try to come forward and claim rights to the girl, the suit says.

“[Jessica] will never know or be able to determine the identity of her actual father, and will consequently never be able to know her full medical history and condition,” the suit also claims.


The Andrews, however, fear that because of the circumstances of her birth “she may be subjected to physical and emotional illness as a result of not being the same race as her parents and siblings,” according to their suit.

Oh, right – but not from having had her parents reject her so publicly?

Anyone who watches television, reads newspapers or listens to radio knows what a mediafest this made-for-tabloid confluence of race, immigration, medicine and crime is likely to become. That the Andrews, who surely must know this too, don’t seem to have thought much about putting their children through it is very revealing.

The story doesn’t say how much they’re sueing for but I ‘d imagine it’s a substantial amount. These people have fucked-up values and not just about race.

Happy International Women’s Day

Equality of opportunity for women at last! At least when it comes to police brutality that is…

There’s shocking CCTV video just published by the Guardian (also just shown on Newsnight) of 4 Sheffield police officers piling on, and beating unconscious one slight, drunk, epileptic teenage girl at the back of a nightclub then dragging her, unconscious and injured with her pants round her ankles, menaced by a snarling police dog, to a waiting van.

Oh, and did I say the girl is black?

I see a former colleague of mine, Ruggie Johnson, is getting great face time from the whole affair. Looks like Britain may finally have its very own Rodney King, though no doubt the Daily Mail and Express readers are already saying she deserved all she got.

The video is here. Link to it, spread it around: the world needs to see that the British police officer is no kindly old Midsomer Norton bobby on a bike, but a vicious paramilitary thug who’s lost all sense of his own humanity.

Who do you think it is in these northern towns that’s voting for the BNP? There may be very many dedicated officers out there, but they’re vastly outnumbered and intimidated in the lower ranks by callous racist thugs. Now Labour want to give these same thugs even more tools and weapons to herd the proles and chav scum with and to intimidate the rest of us into compliance.

Look at that video; are these the people you want walking around with potentially lethal tasers in their hands?

Meanwhile, In Other News: UK Quietly Reauthorises Slavery

For all the pious hooha that’s been spouted this past few weeks by the likes of that permatanned fraud Peter Hain and the risible John Prescott about the sanctity of William Wilberforce and the Abolition Movement they somehow failed to mention, as lenin points out, that quietly, New Labour has been repealing employment legislation thus allowing the effective reinstitution of slavery – not in some far-off, easily hidden colony this time, but on its own soil.

Slavery in the UK. posted by lenin

It seems Tom DeLay was not the only one to learn from the perfect petri dish of pure capitalism. New Labour is to abolish laws that provide the most basic protection for migrant workers. Workers who receive visas to enter domestic service are “legally entitled to leave their employer if they are abused or exploited and to receive basic protection – including the minimum wage – under UK employment law.” Now, if they are abused or mistreated by an employer, either they must suck it up or flee back to their country of origin. Even Barbara Roche, the former Home Office minister who used to put on a hideous freak show by appearing at the docks and interrogating lorry-drivers about any human cargo they might inadvertently be carrying, is alarmed: “These new proposals are a very retrograde step. Workers who suffer abuse from employers will feel absolutely alone. I can’t believe a Labour government which has taken such a firm stance against trafficking will want this to happen.” Oh, you’d be surprised, Barbara.

This comes as a recent report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found an enormous amount of slavery operating in the UK. There are said to be 10,000 gangmasters operating in the UK, who supply labour that operates under the threat of extreme physical violence to various sectors of British capital. These include everything from domestic service, where the new laws will apply, to agriculture, manufacturing, restaurant workers, food processors, care work, hotels and so on. Among these are tens of thousands of sex slaves, who include thousands of children – and not all of those children come from overseas. If you try to protest about your treatment, you “may be beaten, abused, raped, deported or even killed.”

Read whole post.

Those of us on the anticapitalist left have long been derided as out-there hysterics when we’ve warned that the increased slavery and exploitation so apparent elsewhere is spreading to the developed world and that this is the natural outcome of the neoliberal economic polices that Blair and Brown have been pursuing.

Blindly tribal Labour supporters who still harbour the hope that Gordon Brown’s ascendance to the premiership would herald some sort of shift towards humanity and away from rapaciousness, when Brown himself willingly enables that rapaciousness is out of their tiny mind,

Just look at the money the party has just taken from private equity groups – largely unaccountable conglomerations of private money which buy take private and proceed to asset-strip other companies, They’re run by fund managers, unlike publicly regulated corporations they have no shareholders and they have little social accountability compared to public companies. Plus the Gordon Brown gives them a tax break!

Anyone who’s still with Labour despite everything, and that includes a number of people I was once was close to and thought highly of, deserves to go down with the rest of them.

Did you ever think, staunch union actvist and Labour loyalist, when you were sitting under that tree at Tolpuddle with the union banner at your feet and a cold drink in your hand, that your party would one day be the party of slavery?.

Well now it is and it’s all down to you and your blind loyalty to party over principle. Fuck you, you little Eichmanns.