You Say ASBO, I Say Eugenics

The Dutch Labour party have placed a bill before parliament that would force women judged ‘unfit mothers’ to take court-ordered contraception:

Women in the Netherlands deemed “unfit mothers” may soon be forced to take contraception, if a draft bill currently before the Dutch parliament is passed. The bill “targets women who have been the subject of judicial intervention due to their bad parenting,” says its author, a member of the Netherlands’ socialist Labour Party.

Under the proposed legislation, a woman judged unfit who refuses to take contraception and becomes pregnant would have her child taken away at birth. The infant then would be placed in a foster home.


Disabled mothers already face a worldwide uphill battle for the right to bear children. Earlier this year, “K.E.J.,” a woman with developmental disabilities, was taken to court by her own aunt, who wanted K.E.J. to be sterilized against her will. K.E.J. won her court battle. But would a woman with similar disabilities be judged unfit under the proposed Dutch system? What about a woman who could not care for a child due to a mental illness like post-partum depression, but who has entered a treatment program and wants to try again?

The bill does not appear to include any prohibitions against discrimination based on disability, except that parents who have not yet raised a child and been judged unfit based on the way in which they parented that child would not be affected. Therefore, women would not be put on court-ordered contraception before having their first child.


Can’t I Turn My Back For Even One Bloody Day?

Due to a trip to IKEA on Thursday and Martin’s consequent attack of bookcase building and orgy of shelf filling, there’s been no pc access and therefore no posting since Thursday morning.

Sorry, couldn’t help it, but the bookcases do look nice.

Typically, the moment I walked away from the keyboard, Ian Blair got canned, the bailout bill passed (thus enabling the world’s biggest robbery with menaces EVAR), and WTF? What fresh hell is is this? Peter Mandelson’s back in government?

Well, bugger me three ways to Wednesday with a technicolour hedgehog. Sideways. I thought I’d lost my capacity for surprise.

We know why Brown’s done jumped the shark – he’s desperate, that’s obvious. But why would an egoist like Mandelson accept an effective demotion to accept a position under someone he’s known to loathe?

That brings me to my comment of the day, which comes from the responses to Michael White’s column in the Guardian:


Mandy did this for one reason.

He will become Lord Mandelson.

A man who wanted to live the life so much he took a secret loan, can’t believe his luck. No amount of spin or ‘borrowed’ money could have bought a title.

And Gordon snared a man whose self-preening is such that’s it’s worth 18 months onboard the HMS McTitanic for a lifetime of being a Lord

Mandy gets Ermine and Gordo gets the arch shit-flinger.

There’s no more to it than that.

BANG. Hits the nail right on the head.

Interested as I am in the minutiae and the niceties of politico-social etiquette, I have a small protocol question. Mandelson has a long -term partner who lives with him in Brussels. If they marry, as they are entitled to, do they become Lord and Lord Mandelson?