We’ll Stop The Red Flag Nose Flying Here

I’m not the world’s greatest Tim Ireland fan, but I see no reasoj why he’d make up this story. So I’d better get rid of that plastique red nose I’d been saving if it is true…

Via the The Parliamentary Protest Blog Ireland says that if you wear a red nose anywhere near the Houses of Parliament you’re risking arrest:

Tim Ireland from Bloggerheads warns about Red Nose Day on Friday 16th March 2007:

This is the first Red Nose Day to take place since the introduction of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005.

It is now illegal for you to wear a red nose or promote Red Nose Day in any way within the designated area surrounding Parliament if you do not first seek permission from the Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

Simply wearing a red nose could result in a fine of £1,000.

Organising a Red Nose Day event that takes place within the designated area could result in a fine of £2,500 and/or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 51 weeks.

No, I am not pulling your leg.

This ‘war on terror’ is getting silly, getting really very silly indeed.

“Leaving Coe and Jowell in charge of this project was like sending Constable Dogberry to sort out Enron.”

Simon Jenkins in The Grauniad this morning proves once again why they were so right to hire him, as he puts the boot elegant brogue into Britain’s Olympic organisers, demolishing their spiralling demands for more and more public money with cold, angry logic. But he reserves his particular ire for the unelected and unaccountable members of the IOC:


These people are like pre-Reformation cardinals. Since the Olympic pope graciously allowed Britain to sponsor his latest crusade, he has heard nothing but complaints from the peasantry over the cost. It is giving his “brand” a bad name. Why cannot the British behave like the Chinese, who are coughing up $30bn for his ritual in decent silence? How dare they question gilded taps in the Olympic village or teakwood lining to executive boxes, or swansdown seats on the loos? Where is the Olympic ship, promised to carry pilgrim children (I kid you not) from Peking to London? And what of legacy? The IOC likes a legacy or two to gladden its press releases.

These are not sportsmen but Vegas-style businessmen for whom Blairite ministers have an extraordinary weakness. They move in a world of stadium designers, equipment suppliers, architects, promoters and agents. They are unaccountable to any electorate. The one thing they sell each four years is chauvinist glory, the “right” to hold the Olympic franchise for 16 days. They have already spawned an office block of 700 staff in Canary Wharf, consultants, architects, engineers and project managers. They have even brought in an outside company, CLM, to defend their costs at a reputed fee of £400m, money not for sport but to go straight into someone’s back pocket. If anyone accuses me of being a killjoy, I say too right. Somehow or other we are paying for this.

The truth is that Jowell and Coe are not up to dealing with this bunch – with Coe actually thinking the games will “make money as an investment”. Neither has passed the whelk-stall test, yet they find themselves negotiating with people who travel first class, stay at five-star hotels and expect chauffeurs to pick up bills for less than a million. Leaving Coe and Jowell in charge of this project was like sending Constable Dogberry to sort out Enron.


I sense Mr Jenkins is a little annoyed.

Has there ever been a government so in thrall to slick salesmen? At least the Tories, being sleazy salesmen themelves, knew when they were being snowed. The luminaries of New Labour not only fall for every hustle going they seem infatuated with the hustlers too (and quite often they marry them, as in the case of Ms. Jowell). You could paint this as the idealistic working class having been corrupted by contact with big money, but let’s face it, a preponderance of Labour MP’s and cabinet members are lower-middle-class, not working-class, and came up through net-curtain-land and secure jobs in local government. They are those people who that sourpuss Belloc derided as ‘the people in between’:

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It Could Happen To You

It could happen to any one of us who happens not to look exactly like every pig-ignorant, crayon sucker of a prison service meathead thinks they ought to, or who has the audacity to have a funny foreign name.

But hey, look on the bright side, at least he wasn’t banged up indefinitely on terror charges; he should be grateful, shouldn’t he?

British Asian faced deportation threat

· Officials believed jailed student was Pakistani
· Detention meant he could not produce documents

Jeevan Vasagar
Thursday March 1, 2007
The Guardian

A British Asian was held in a detention centre for nearly two months and threatened with deportation to Pakistan because Home Office officials believed he was a foreigner.

Immigration officials assumed that Sabbir Ahmed, who speaks with a Lancashire accent, was Pakistani despite the fact that he was born in Blackburn and has a British passport. His parents come from India but also have British citizenship.

Mr Ahmed, 34, an accountancy student at the University of Leicester, had finished serving a two-month prison sentence for driving while disqualified when he was identified as a foreign national and held for deportation. His case followed a furore over the failure to deport foreign prisoners which cost home secretary Charles Clarke his job last summer.

Mr Ahmed said: “It was so frustrating, it just felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall. I was screaming my innocence to anyone who would listen and they were trying to deport me to a country where I’ve got no ties.”

He was asked to provide documents proving his nationality but was unable to do so because his passport was at his flat in east London and he could not leave Haslar detention centre in Gosport, Hampshire. He was only freed after campaigners from Haslar visitors’ group got access to his flat to recover his documents, and photocopies were shown to a judge at an appeal hearing against the deportation.

“I’ve never been to Pakistan,” he said in an interview with the Portsmouth News. “But no matter how much I protested I was innocent, that didn’t matter.”


Mr Ahmed’s case is not an isolated one. A report last year on foreign prisoners by Anne Owers, chief inspector of prisons, found regular failings in establishing the nationality of prisoners. In one case an inspection team which interviewed 12 juvenile prisoners identified as foreign found that five of them were British. It quoted one prisoners’ representative as saying: “If you are black officers assume you are a foreign national.”

Whole story

Seriously, any Briton who feels this could happen to them or someone close to them (and after seeing more and more stories like this pop up, it seems less and less unlikely) would do well to download, read and keep handy the Immigration Law Practitioner’s Group Best Practice Guide To Challenging Immigration Detention, just in case.

Queen Is Mum

Observer’s Pendennnis column:

Silence rules
The Stop the War coalition, never slow to seize the limelight, has written to Prince Charles and the Queen to ask, now that Prince Harry faces a tour of duty in Iraq, whether they’d like to sign up. So far, peculiarly, they have not received a reply.