Vaara has a question:

Most people in France, Germany and Belgium are passionately opposed to a non-UNSC-approved
war against Iraq. Their leaders, for daring to represent their peoples’ views, are
universally excoriated as anti-democratic Stalinists, Nazis, tyrants, dictators, etc.

Most people in Poland, Hungary, Spain, Italy, and every other European country are also
passionately opposed to a non-UNSC-approved war against Iraq. Their leaders, for flouting
the will of their people and cravenly following the U.S. line, are universally praised as
representing the shiny happy democratic freedom-loving future of ‘New Europe’.

To summarize: European leaders listening to their people BAD, European leaders ignoring
their people GOOD.

Could some anti-peace ilk-type person please explain this to me?


Ruminate This on the right to march for peace:

So, how about that parade…

“I’m marching,” she says.

What if they don’t allow it?

“I’ll go out anyway. How can they stop me? Tell me. Who the hell is going to stop me
from carrying a sign and walking down that block? I’m an American. I’m a taxpayer of
the City of New York. They can’t shut me down.”

Sure they can.

This woman is no radical. You know people just like her – she’s a hard worker, she’s
on the Parents Association at the kids’ school, she’s a mental health professional who
volunteers clinical time at the local center. She’s big into family and community. Even
if you’ve not crossed paths, I guarantee – you know someone just like her. She’s an American
who thought she was living the American dream. Now, she and her husband struggle to keep afloat
with job uncertainties and repeated layoffs. Code Orange? The least of her concerns.

Sing the petition demanding that
New York City will allow the march to go through. There were just over 6,000 signatures when I signed,
let’s double it at least.


Orcinus on why he stopped being a Republican:

By 1980, guys like Bob Baumann, Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond were running the Republican show in Congress, and Reagan was ascendant and clearly headed for the White House. A few progressive Republicans — John Chaffee, for instance — trooped on, but everyone knew they were utterly voiceless within the party. And it has been that way for them ever since.

So it was that year, and that election, that I reluctantly left the GOP. Though I was a devout Christian, I feared and distrusted the theocratic right with whom Reagan had aligned himself — I believed, and still do, that they are no respecters of other people’s private religious beliefs — and moreover I could see through Helms and Thurmond where the conservative movement was getting its ideological fires. I couldn’t stand Jimmy Carter (a view I’ve reassessed) and voted for John Anderson.


Put another way: The ‘Big Tent’ that the Republican Party once boasted has shifted. Where once it included mainstream conservatives and moderate progressives, it now only includes those conservatives and the right-wing extremists who comprise a substantial portion of its Southern wing. When Nixon initiated the Southern Strategy, he opened the tent to those reactionaries and forced the rest of us either out of the tent or into their arms. Many of us chose the former, while the Bushes and their power-hungry kind chose the latter.


It became clear to me through the entire Clinton impeachment episode that the GOP was rapidly becoming unsalvageable in its hatred of all things progressive or liberal. And after Dec. 12, 2000, I came to the conclusion that I could no longer vote a mixed ticket — not, at least, until the GOP has been summarily dismissed from the halls of power and spends enough time in purgatory to genuinely repent of its ways. I do not anticipate this happening anytime soon.


What gets me about Bride of the US PATRIOT Act II is that here is an administration which fucked up on anti-terrorism measures so much 3,000 people died in an attack any reasonable competent administration should’ve prevented (and which both allies and their own agents warned them about) now has the chutzspah to demand ever more stringent and unnecessary measures and laws because otherwise “America will suffer another attack”.

Maybe if they did their job properly in the first place, none of this would’ve happened.

Oh, and where’s Osama?


New to the left

Each day I list the blogs new to the linklist. Want to be added? Use the
form, Luke.
Entry does not guarantee winning. No purchase necessary. Offer void where
prohibited. You must either be a fiery liberal spirit or in the vanguard of
the workers revolution to participate. At a pinch we’ll take dedicated left
anarchists and the like as well. No wishy washy centrists need apply.
The decision of the judges is final.

Beyond the Wasteland

leftist politcs and gourmet food. By Kevin Batcho.


Bleak but well-meaning lefty diatribes against what goes on – intenational political
economy, unreflexive hegemonic economism, the empty formalism of democracy du jour,
and Australian going-on are particular obsessions. By Rob Schaap.