Top Stories Monday 11 Nov
Pontificator asks whether or not the Democrats will use filibusters:
In light of the fact that the Democrats certainly have the ability to use the fillibuster, what is important is that they have the willingness to do so. Democrats must view the fillibuster as a legitimate weapon, and must not be afraid of being painted as obstructionist.
Bitter Shack of Resentment rants about the Democratic loss last week:
So the Democrats lost the Senate, and we are now riding in a country driven by insane TEK-9-toting, power-drunk nepotists and megalomaniacs who think war is good and business should not be asked any especially personal questions (like, did you really make that $9 billion, or did you make that up?) and there is no designated driver anywhere in sight.
But wait. As much as the idea of an all-GOP Congress and White House scares the living bejesus out of me, I have this itty bitty reservation about getting all panicky and doomsday about it. And it’s this: The Democrats goddamned deserved the ass-whupping they got yesterday, and in a sad, hopeless sort of way, I celebrate this moment.
An Unenviable Situation doesn’t mince words about his political stance:
A conservative is a man who fucks a whore, pays up, and walks out the door. A liberal fucks the whore, pays for it with a sad expression on his face, and asks her if she’s happy.
Through the Looking Glass on how Dubya “changed the tone in Washington”:
During Clinton’s term, Washington was dominated by a discussion of Clinton’s supposedly shady business deals. Not that anyone was able to exhibit a shred of evidence that Clinton had done anything improper, even after Ken Starr spent years turning over every stone in Little Rock — but you knew there had to be something in there someplace, because he was a hick from Arkansas who’d gotten himself elected president, and Sally Quinn turned up her nose at him. Now, with Dubya in the White House, we have a President with plenty of shady business in his own past, starting with the long-suppressed evidence of his insider trading which was buried in SEC files when his father was President — but nobody’s talking about it, because he’s socially compatible with the Georgetown set, and because Democrats just don’t do that sort of thing. Success!
Pandagon gets angry about Instapundit’s claim of homophobia, racism and anti-semitism being rampant in “the left”:
The Right in this country has taken to falsely accusing the Left of every vile sentiment they themselves are visibly guilty of, and also engaging in some that they reserve solely for themselves, such as the feebleminded paeans to “patriotism”, wherein abridging common sense for the purpose of “supporting the president”, much as one would a monarch or dictator, is somehow the prime determinant of being an American. These people are sick xenophobes, beholden to nothing but their own self-interest, remarkably narrow as it may be.