One for Sandra, she had become increasingly annoyed with the meaningless use of “passion” as a catch all motivation for wannabe cooks on Masterchef or oiks on The Apprentice.
Oh, Canada
Watch in awe as a thick as shit conservative MP attempts to smear an union witness for his membership of the NDP. Canadian conservatives: importing Republican tactics, incompetently.
We’ve always expanded rights
Reverend Dr. William J. Barber tells how it is about the North Carolinian vote on Amendment One, that would limit marriage by law to that between one man and one woman.
Racism in Israel shocker
Everyday authoritarianism in America
Found this video by accident, a couple of young dudes on a road somewhere in the US being stopped by a copper because the passenger is videotaping his mate, which is supposedly illegal.
What I actually wanted to see was this video, for Palau: a baby sloth yawning:
Which just is the most adorable thing I’ve seen in a long time.