Tiny Todgers Go Boing Boing

From Facebook Small penis appreciation society - definitely NSFW

Boing Boing, May 6:

Naked scanner reveals airport screener’s tiny penis, sparks steel baton fight with fellow officers


Me, 12 May 2006:

Wait Till They Realise Women Will See Their Tiny Penises
…..What these men pushing this horribly invasive bit of kit don’t realise is that the machine can also see the shape, location and worst of all the dimensions of their willies. …

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So much for the reassurances of the Transport Safety Administration.

But the TSA said the X-rays will be set up so that the image can be viewed only by a security officer in a remote location. Other passengers, and even the agent at the checkpoint, will not have access to the picture.

In addition, the system will be configured so that the X-ray will be deleted as soon as the individual steps away from the machine. It will not be stored or available for printing or transmitting, agency spokesman Nico Melendez said.

Tick, Tick, No Boom

A bomb in Times Square could’ve been very nasty indeed, whether rabid teapartiers, Islamic or Xtian fundies were responsible:


Police found an “amateurish” but potentially powerful bomb in a smoking sport utility vehicle in Times Square, then cleared the streets of thousands of tourists milling through the landmark district so they could dismantle it, authorities said Sunday.

“We avoided what we could have been a very deadly event,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. “It certainly could have exploded and had a pretty big fire and a decent amount of explosive impact.”

Investigators removed three propane tanks, consumer-grade fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers, and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said at a news conference early Sunday. A black metal box resembling a gun locker was also recovered.

“I think the intent was to cause a significant ball of fire,” Kelly said.

Bloomberg called the explosive device “amateurish” but potentially deadly, noting: “We are very lucky.”

A white robotic police arm broke windows of the black Nissan Pathfinder to remove any explosive materials after a T-shirt vendor alerted police to the smoking vehicle at about 6:30 p.m. Heavily armed police and emergency vehicles shut down the city’s busiest streets, teeming with taxis and theatergoers on one of the first summer-like days of the year.

A Connecticut license plate on the vehicle did not match up, according to authorities, who did not know a motive. Police interviewed the Connecticut car owner, who told police he had sent the plates to a nearby junkyard, Bloomberg said. Police are reviewing surveillance video and looking for more.

After the vendor noticed smoke coming from the SUV, police cleared buildings and streets at the so-called “Crossroads of the World”; the area remained closed hours later. Officers were deployed around the area with heavy weapons on empty streets in the heart of busy midtown Manhattan. More…

Given the reported amateurism of the bomb’s manufacture, my money’s on the wingnuts.

Guantanamo suicides likely murder

Via Naked Capitalism comes the news that three Guantanamo Bay detainees who were supposed to have committed suicide together as “an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us” according to Rear Admiral Harry Harris, the then commander of the prison, were more likely to have been murdered:

The official story of the prisoners’ deaths was full of unacknowledged contradictions, and the centerpiece of the report—a reconstruction of the events—was simply unbelievable.

According to the NCIS, each prisoner had fashioned a noose from torn sheets and T-shirts and tied it to the top of his cell’s eight-foot-high steel-mesh wall. Each prisoner was able somehow to bind his own hands, and, in at least one case, his own feet, then stuff more rags deep down into his own throat. We are then asked to believe that each prisoner, even as he was choking on those rags, climbed up on his washbasin, slipped his head through the noose, tightened it, and leapt from the washbasin to hang until he asphyxiated.

US runs psywar against Europe

According to the Register:

The secretive US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has awarded arms globocorp General Dynamics a $10m contract to set up a network of psychological-warfare “influence websites” supporting the Global War On Terror. France and Britain are specifically included as “targeted regions”.


Contractors will] develop, design, construct, operate, and maintain a series of synchronized influence websites supporting [Global War On Terror] requirements … Government estimates a minimum of two and no more than twelve websites.

Some of these blogs or websites may already been running. Which prominent and outspoken supporters of the War on Terror do you think are US government operations?

The terrorist threat facing Britain is self inflicted

Brown said UK troops were in Afghanistan “as a result of a hard-headed assessment of the terrorist threat facing Britain”.

Ministers have often claimed that three-quarters of the terrorist plots facing Britain emerge from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Ministers are less willing to discuss how many of those plots facing Britain were hatched before British troops were sent into Afghanistan. Or how many of those plots are motivated by what happens in Aghanistan or Iraq, but were actually thought up in the backstreets of Leeds or Birmingham. The 7/7 bombers did state their motivations clearly, but so far the UK government has refused to face up to it.