When Fundies and Kittens Collide

Submitted without comment, because really, what is there to say about such complete and utter dumbassery?

KARE Minneapolis/St Paul:

Holy Cat: Jesus spotted on kitten’s fur Updated: 7/29/2008 9:59:39 PM

A kitten is being called a “Holy Cat,” or a feline with Jesus on her side? literally.

Ten weeks ago, a family from Goshen, Indiana rescued two kittens after their mother abandoned them.

The family noticed one of the kittens, Sissy, had markings on her fur that look like Jesus.

Whether or not you see it doesn’t matter to the family. They believe it’s a sign of good things to come.

(Copyright 2008 by NBC. All Rights Reserved)

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I’m going out into the garden as I can’t take much more of this stupidity. At least plants aren’t greedy, gullible or stupid. (Well, nasturtiums are, but everyone knows they’re the chavs of the legume family.)

Why the dancing cat illustration? Because it’s cute. Because it’s a cat. What more reason do I need?

Christian Voice breaks the ninth commandment

the Mattel Black Canary doll in question

In an unsurprising display of hypocrisy, UK “Christian” hate group “Christian” Voice has broken the ninth of the ten commandments, the one about not bearing false witness against your neighbour”, a commandment often broken by those socalled Christian groups more inspired by hate than love. This particular group has been best known for going nuts about Jerry Springer: the Opera, where they managed to convince the cancer charity Maggie’s Centres to decline a four-figure donation from the proceeds of a special performance of the opera. In a rare display of karma, their head nutcase, Stephen Green then sued the makers of the opera for blasphemy, lost the court case, was ordered to pay the legal costs of his opponents and now is in danger of going bankrupt. Couldn’t have happen to a nicer guy.

Nevertheless this hasn’t stopped “Christian” Voice from making a nuisance of themselves, this time being offended by something very important indeed: a Barbie doll! Said Barbie doll, being part of a range of figures modeled on famous DC comics superheroines, is dressed in the costume of Black Canary, a heroine with a pedigree going back to 1947. The “Christian” Voice activists however insist that this is a “S&M Barbie” and “pure filth”, which in my book is definately bearing false witness to both Mattel and DC.

As you can see from the picture, only a loon would describe this as a “S&M outfit”, but of course if Christian Voice told the truth and said they were disgusted with a mildly sexy dressed Barbie doll even more people would laugh at them than they do now. By breaking the ninth commandment they at least get their press release in The Sun, which is always in for a bit of moral panic, even if their regular page three feature hardly confirms with the kind of morals “Christian” Voice allegedly supports.

and hey, what’s more important: actually attempting to abide by some of the most important commandments of your religion, or getting your name in the papers?

Foxed Up Beyond All Recognition

Media Matters has caught Fox News photoshopping pictures of NY Times reporters critical of Fox, to make them look sinister and ugly.

On the July 2 edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends, co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade labeled New York Times reporter Jacques Steinberg and editor Steven Reddicliffe “attack dogs,” claiming that Steinberg’s June 28 article on the “ominous trend” in Fox News’ ratings was a “hit piece.” During the segment, however, Fox News featured photos of Steinberg and Reddicliffe that appeared to have been digitally altered — the journalists’ teeth had been yellowed, their facial features exaggerated, and portions of Reddicliffe’s hair moved further back on his head. Fox News gave no indication that the photos had been altered.


Is it me, or is there a flavour of some of those anti-Jewish caricatures of the thirties?

Fox employees’ve given up all pretence to being journalists of any description.

S.A.t.S.Q: Obama edition

Today’s Short Answers to Stupid Questions comes courtesy of Roy Edroso, who quotes some hapless rightwinger incensed about Obama’s opting out of public financing asking:

I’m just not sure what to say about this. I shouldn’t be shocked, but somehow it does shock me to see how a candidate for POTUS can be so vapid, and yet still lead in every major poll currently.

Does Barack think we are stupid, or are we just stupid?


This has been another installment of Short Answers to Stupid Questions.

The track record isn’t pretty

I’m sure this guy is indeed the moral paragon he would like the world to know he is, if incredibly misguided and prudish in his quest to denudify’s Washington’s public art, but all I’m saying is that most of these moral crusaders are later found propositioning police officers in public toilets or after having died after an unfortunate incident involving a nose, a buttplug and two (!) wetsuits. And he’s a Republican too, which is always a danger sign.

My pet theory is that these people are such filthy perverted freaks that they cannot imagine anybody else not getting hot and bothered by some marble breast or painted nipple, so insecure and revolted by their own sexual desires that they sublimate it into this sort of moral grandstanding.