But Where’s The Toast?

Full marks for imagination Mr. Sallin, but if I’m going to be woken up with fresh sizzling bacon, I want tea and hot buttered toast too. From the Telegraph: New-style Teasmade wakes you with freshly cooked bacon A bizarre new alarm clock uses the smell of freshly cooked bacon to wake you up in the […]


That ‘bacon is the new black’ meme I’ve been trying to get going is well and truly off and running. First up, from Chicago, city of broad shoulders, big butts and superlative cured pork products, comes country fried bacon: At Risque Cafe, 3419 N. Clark, country-fried bacon ($6) is on the appetizer menu. Raw bacon […]

Sunday Morning Breakfast Read

The New York Times’ Sunday magazine big feature today is indeed a big read – it’s a 9-page letter on food and agricultural policy by Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, addressed to the incoming US President It’s a lot of blocktext for sleepy eyes to wake up […]

You Say “Stuffed French Toast”, I say “Poutine!”

Funny, isn’t it, the bemused contempt felt for the customs of any given country by it’s nearest neighbours: the French freak out the British, who freak out the Dutch, who freak out the Americans, who freak out everybody, not least the Canadians… From Paulitics: “Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, […]

Things To Read And Look At

Oh my lord. Pink guns for girls. What’s next, the Barbie AK47? “Females want to shoot guns, but they want them to look pretty, too,” he said. “Guys could give a rat’s butt what their gun looks like.” Experimental baking: Sweet Corn, Maple, and Bacon Cupcakes and Doughnuts and Coffee cupcakes. Alternet: The Federal War […]